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How to get a Power PMAC to run a motor


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I just received my Power PMAC, and have spent a few days playing with it. However, I can't get it to run a motor. I have an ACC24E3 board with analog amp and am trying to run a simple brush DC motor with a quadrature encoder. I never see anything coming out the DAC output.


So far I have figured out how to enable the motor (Motor[1].ServoCtrl = 1), and disable the limits (Motor[1].pLimits = 0). Turning the motor shaft gets me encoder readings. When I do an "enable" and then a "j=0", I get "Closed loop" and "AmpEna" in the Status window showing true. If I turn the motor shaft, I get following error warning and then fatal.


I am sure there is some obscure setup item I am missing. Is there anyplace in the documentation where this is explained in a straightforward, step-by-step fashion? I have used the ACC24E3 manual and think I have everything there. I have used random chapters of the hardware and software manuals, but there is nothing coherent and I have probably missed something.


Thanks for any help!

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The default output mode is PWM. You need to set it to 3 for DAC output. For motor #1, that would normally be Gate3[0].Chan[0].OutputMode=3.


Having activated the channel, disabled the limits and verified encoder counts by moving the motor by hand, the following are basic steps for setting up a brush motor (manually) on channel 1:

- #1Out0 followed by a kill (make sure you can enable without faults)

- Set up Motor[1].MaxDac (Ixx69 in Turbo)

- Perform an open loop test to make sure your encoder decode is correct (modify Gate3[0].Chan[0].EncCtrl otherwise)

- Perform closed loop tuning


The latest IDE should also have an automatic motor setup utility.

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  • 2 years later...
System Set up, helps to define the amplifier, motor, type of encoder... BUT Not the Jog speed, max speed..... that data is done in a Cofiguration file. Now Question how is the interaction between a System set up Motor and the configuration file for that motor?
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A configuration file for a motor will contain all the structures elements setup by the System Setup. You can independently set motor jog speeds, max speeds and accelerations either manually in the terminal window or by settings in header files or through the Variable Setup menu:

"Delta Tau" - "Configure" - "Setup Variables".

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