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Breakpoint usage


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There are two types of programs that you can debug in the IDE environment. They are the CApps and script PLCs. In case of the CApps, you can put a breakpoint on a valid line of code and then right click on the CApp that you want to debug and select the "Debug the selected CApp" menu option. In case of the script PLCs, you can put a break point on a valid line of code and right click on the PLC that you want to debug and select the "Debug the selected PLC" menu option. In either case the debugger would launch, hit the breakpoint, and exit once the program is stopped. You can also stop the debugger by selecting "Debug->Stop Debugging" from the main menu or press "shift+f5".




Can I use break points in the IDE for Script and C plcs? If so, how do I make them function in each type?







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