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Change register in background C program


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I'm running a toy model to try and switch Gate3[1].Chan[0].AtanEna in a background C program. (the AtanEna is bit 18 of inCtrl). I can read the bit without any problems and it recognizes when I flip the bit using the terminal, however, when I try and set the bit in a background C program it does not work. Am I able to do this? Code below


int main(void) 
volatile GateArray3 *tga;
int inCtrl;

tga = GetGate3MemPtr(1);

inCtrl = tga->Chan[0].InCtrl;
printf("before %i\n",inCtrl); //AtanEna = 1
tga->Chan[0].InCtrl &= ~(1<<18); //AtanEna should = 0
inCtrl = tga->Chan[0].InCtrl;
printf("flipped %i\n",inCtrl); //Still shows 1
return 0;


There is no change in the value of inCtrl upon setting the bit to zero.

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I could be wrong, but I think you may need to change the line where you are actually writing the bit low to the following:


tga->Chan[0].InCtrl &= (tga->Chan[0].InCtrl)^(1<<18); //AtanEna should = 0


Does that work?


Does Gate3.WpKey have to be $AAAAAAAA for this?

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I tested this and you're right, it doesn't set the 18th bit low. Also, setting Sys.WpKey=$AAAAAAAA has no effect.


My PPMAC is malfunctioning right now; otherwise, I would test further. For now, can you just use SetPmacVar()?


For example, SetPmacVar("Gate3[1].Chan[0].AtanEna",0.0)


This will set AtanEna to 0. Using SetPmacVar is slower than writing the bit directly but it will work in a pinch.

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Yes the SetPmacVar does work so long as you make sure that WpKey is set. It's strange though that I can't set it by simply addressing the pointer in C. It might be a write protect issue but I though that there was no write protect when accessing variables from C?
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Are you sure that the printf isn't misleading you? The reason I ask is that I ran into a similar problem where I would set a register, and then immediately printf the register to read its value.


The problem is that whenever you modify a register in C you are probably doing a read-modify-write operation. If your program hasn't completed the "write" operation before your printf, you'll get the wrong value printed to the terminal.


Try inserting a usleep between the write and the printf, see if that changes anything.


This would also explain why SetPmacVar works, but the direct write appears not to work.

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I put a sleep in (1 second) and I still see the same effect. I also check using the terminal to see if the bit has been set to zero.


Another think I tried was just writing the value to the register i.e.


tga->Chan[0].InCtrl = 4194375;


And that did not work either.

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tga->WpKey=0xAAAAAAAA Did the trick! Thanks everyone and as always it was in the software reference manual although I was being distracted by:


"Furthermore, in the Script environment, many elements are write-protected so user code cannot change their values, but these elements can be read at any time. In the C environment, any element for which you are provided access (that is, whose name is provided in the RtGpShm.h header file) can be written to. "


Which I wrongly assumed meant that the registers were not write-protected.

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