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There was several times by our customer and once on another Clipper board in our office.


Customer says that after normal operation PMAC sudden stops to react on any commands.

Readout of program memory through Pewin32/View/Program PLC Status shows none of the programs in the memory!

All the M-var definitions reset to nothing (Mxxxx->*).

All the P-,M-,Q-var values reset to 0.

All the I-var values reset to their factory default values...


In office it happen in the morning after regular power on of Clipper.

None of the heavy loads or frequency control devices have been working during power-up.


All the Clipper E-jumpers are in the default state.

Clipper does work standalone without NC Runtime shell.


What could it be and by what probable reason?

Any suggestions?

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Did nobody really face this problem at all?


I'm trying to reproduce this situation on Clipper board placed in control box to control real XYZ axes with stepper motors.

There are tests I do:

1. Switching off of the board power supply during program execution.

2. Reduction of board power supply till it stops execute programs.

3. Sporadic issuing out a SAVE command from Terminal and PLC.

All above does not result in flash memory loss...

The board does recover saved config from EEPROM to RAM and go on with normal operation...


I catch this situation only once.

Customer had memory loss problem about 4-5 times during a half-year.

I need to resolve this issue a.s.a.p.


What reason can theoretically lead to EEPROM erasure?

Any relevant feedback will be much appreciated.

If PMAC sees a firmware corruption it may try to reset the memory to factory default. The only other mechanism I can see that fits this description would be a reset and save command sequence to the PMAC: “$$$***”, “SAVE”. Any electrical disturbance to the user FLASH would most probably result in user memory corruption. This would set the global status bits for checksum errors.
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