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Help Cloning PPMAC Etherlite with Diff Firmware


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I'm trying to create a backup/clone of a PPMAC Etherlite for a customer, but the backup unit has more recent firmware than the original - hence why I can't use the .tar file from the original directly. I can download the project onto the clone but I'm then missing my ECAT structure settings that were originally set using the EtherCat dialog boxes in the IDE. I notice in peeking around the files in the original's backup .tar that there is a file called pp_save.cfg that seems to have all of the data structure settings like the Sys.* and also the ECAT[0].*.


My question: is the ECAT[0].* structure settings in this file all I need to replicate the EtherCat settings I setup originally using the dialog boxes and how should I best do this? Is there a file that I can include these within the project so they are downloaded with it? I should also mention that I'm setting up this clone without access to the original Etherlite and its EtherCat network that the settings were created on - if that causes any problems.

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You can take the ECAT.* structures, but you also need to take the EncTable.* structures. Some of these may be mapped to EtherCat encoder structures.


Furthermore, some of the motor structures may also be mapped to EtherCAT structures. This will usually be the structures that start with p, such as Motor[x].pDac, Motor[x].pAdc, Motor[x].pLimits, Motor[x].pAmpFault and the like.

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Steve, are you saying if I include the pp_save.cfg with the settings in my project then it will make the settings on the controller? I tried doing that but the settings do not take on a download and compile. If I copy the settings from the pp_save.cfg into a PLC and then run the PLC once, the settings get made. Do I need to change the compile properties of the pp_save.cfg file for it to work?
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Also note that this does not contain the "database" information for the drive(s) that would appear in the EtherCAT setup. You can use the "Export EtherCAT setup from Power PMAC" (right-mouse click on the appropriate "Master[n] ...") to get this. There will still be some setup required in the setup tool though.


It would be best, however, to use the "Backup Restore" ("Delta Tau" - "Tools" - "Backup Restore") and create a disk image. This will get everything. This is the "approved" method to "clone" a machine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks Steve for the response on how to get the configuration file to download. In regards to the Backup Restore, will this work with different versions of firmware between the original machine and the clone? We tried doing this with the .tar file from the master onto a USB stick into the clone (with different firmware than the master) and it did not work.
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