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shm user structure


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I would like to create a shared memory "personal/application specific" structure that could be used in Capps, CPLCS, RTCPLC... (no Script need).

The structure should use all type of variables, for example:

typedef struct ST_mystruct{

char String[256];

int Id;

double Value;

} ST_mystruct;


Does someone see a solution in PPMAC world?


Is it possible to use "pushm" doing something like:

int main(void){

void *pushm;

ST_mystruct * pst_mystruct;


pushm = GetUserBufferPtr();

pst_mystruct= (ST_mystruct *)(pushm);



I looked at Xenomai "Shared memory services" (shm_open, mmap...). I couldn't get an operational shared memory structure. Is someone using those services? Does Deltatau have recommendations/restriction for the use of direct Xenomai functionalities?


Thank you all


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There are several good posts on the forum to help with this. Here are two I started with.






I also made this small exel sheet to help me make names for my ppmac script code to access the data. This is just a tool for me so there are limitations and it is a bit cryptic but perhaps it helps you.


PPmac global structure version_1.xls

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