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MACRO Absolute Position Read


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I am setting up a PPMAC Etherlite with MACRO. I want to read an absolute position value from a Copley Xenus Plus drive with a Sanyo Denki absolute encoder. When I read MI920 over MACRO I get the same value as I see in the Drive software.


I can't figure out how to set the position values. Here is how it is set now and what the results are:



259210 ( the same as I read in the position window. )


$0000043bf48a (the same as I read in the Copley software)


//MACRO Communication Setup


// Xenus Plus MACRO Drive, XML-230-18


Gate3[0].MacroEnableA=$0FC00100; // Activate 1 Servo Nodes and 0 IO Nodes of MACRO A

Gate3[0].MacroModeA=$403000; // Set MACRO A as master

Macro.TestPeriod=20; // MACRO Ring Check Period [msec] (Related to I80 in Turbo)

Macro.TestMaxErrors=Macro.TestPeriod/10; // MACRO Maximum Ring Error Count (Related to I81 in Turbo)

Macro.TestReqdSynchs=Macro.TestPeriod - Macro.TestMaxErrors; // MACRO Minimum Sync Packet Count // (Related to I82 in Turbo)


//Motor 1 Setup


// Sanyo Denki R2AA06040FXP00M


Motor[1].ServoCtrl = 1 //I100=1

Motor[1].AmpFaultLevel = 1

Motor[1].AbsPosFormat= $3320


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If Motor[x].pAbsPos is set to the default value of 0, trigger, the hmz command causes Power PMAC simply to re-define the present commanded position as the home (motor-zero) position, without movement.

However, if Motor[x].pAbsPos is set to a non-zero value, Power PMAC will read the register whose address is specified by the value for the present absolute position of the motor. The position data read at this address is processed according to the settings of Motor[x].AbsPosFormat, Motor[x].AbsPosSf, and Motor[x].HomeOffset

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Your setting of Motor[1].AbsPosFormat would indicate a MACRO read of MI920 of 51 bits unsigned binary. The number of bits specified is outside of the range of MI920 which is 48 bits. Otherwise if this drive supports the MI920 feature this will work if you set Motor[1].AbsPosFormat=$3020 (or less number of bits).
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