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Encryption Issues


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With 1.6 IDE and firmware I am pleased with the way encryption works and protects IP and most other things we need.


However I have a couple of issues:


  1. You seem to get a "C Language/Include/pp_proj.h" as well as a "C Language/Include/pp_proj.h.gpg"
    This allows an end user to see entries such as:
    	#define AllowPaidFeature 8192

    They could easily alter this as P8192 in gpascii/terminal.

  2. Access to "Configurations/pp_save.cfg" is not ideal we store some unique settings here which could be manipulated.
  3. Looking in "Database/pp_global.sym" the user can see the following:
    	Global  AllowPaidFeature  8192

    They could easily alter this as P8192 in gpascii/terminal.


I would appreciate any comments or maybe I am missing some settings




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Hi Dave,

You are correct in what you are observing. in regards to pp_proj.h, we recreate the file on the Power PMAC, but we will modify our approach to encrypt or remove this file. In regards to the .sym files and Intellisence in the terminal window, we have to take a look at it and see if we can hide or remove these options whenever a project in encrypted. pp_save.cfg stores Power PMAC Configuration in its native variable format, so your symbolic names are not visible, but if you think this still makes you vulnerable we will see if we can also encrypt that file.






With 1.6 IDE and firmware I am pleased with the way encryption works and protects IP and most other things we need.


However I have a couple of issues:


  1. You seem to get a "C Language/Include/pp_proj.h" as well as a "C Language/Include/pp_proj.h.gpg"
    This allows an end user to see entries such as:
    	#define AllowPaidFeature 8192

    They could easily alter this as P8192 in gpascii/terminal.

  2. Access to "Configurations/pp_save.cfg" is not ideal we store some unique settings here which could be manipulated.
  3. Looking in "Database/pp_global.sym" the user can see the following:
    	Global  AllowPaidFeature  8192

    They could easily alter this as P8192 in gpascii/terminal.


I would appreciate any comments or maybe I am missing some settings




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