sbrun Posted June 18, 2014 Posted June 18, 2014 On a PowerBrick-LV, (Firmware, IDE configured as Macro-auxliary, we have declared a brushless motor as slave Node 0, drived in PWM over MACRO (by a rack Power-UMAC). We activated the motor as Macro-slave by : Motor[1].pMotorNode = PowerBrick[0].MacroInA[0][0].a Motor[1].MotorNodeOffset = 64 Motor[1].MotorMode = 5 // PWM by MACRO Problem on the PowerBrick: The Motor phase measured current "Motor[1].IaMeas, .IbMeas" are not copied in PowerBrick[0].MacroOutA[0][1] and [2] (instead, there is a bad value depending of the encoder position ??, same value is in .MacroOutA[0][1] and .MacroOutA[0][2], but shifted of 16bits left in .MacroOutA[0][1] !) Ps: the values written in PowerBrick[0].MacroOutA[0][0] (encoder pos) and PowerBrick[0].MacroOutA[0][3] (Status & Flags) are full ok Have we missing something ?, or is there a real problem and what is the way to turn around it ? PS: with Motor[1].MotorMode =0 (Local contol) the motor works ok. Thanks for your Help, S.Brun
bradp Posted June 19, 2014 Posted June 19, 2014 What are the pointer settings in the coordinating PPmac. For example Motor[x].pAdc, Motor[x].PhaseCtrl, and the several other pointers starting on page 728 of the PPmac User's Manual of March 17th 2014?
sbrun Posted June 19, 2014 Author Posted June 19, 2014 Hello Brad, Thank you, Here-under my parameters and find attached the global pp_save.cfg. // ++ Clocks ++ Sys.WpKey=$AAAAAAAA; PowerBrick[0].PhaseServoDir = 0 //Master PowerBrick[0].PhaseFreq = 32000 //Phase-Clock =32 KHz (=freq du Ring) PowerBrick[0].PhaseClockDiv = 0 PowerBrick[0].ServoClockDiv = 3 //Servo-Clock = 8 KHz PowerBrick[0].PhaseClockMult= 0; PowerBrick[1].PhaseServoDir = 3 //pas Master PowerBrick[1].PhaseFreq = 32000 //Phase-Clock =32 KHz (=freq du ring) PowerBrick[1].PhaseClockDiv = 0 PowerBrick[1].ServoClockDiv = 3 //Servo-Clock = 8 KHz PowerBrick[1].PhaseClockMult= 0; Sys.PhaseCycleExt = 1 //(i7) <- division par 2 de la Freq-Phase car MACRO (=16K) Sys.RtIntPeriod = 2 //(i8) Période du Rti Sys.ServoPeriod = (PowerBrick[0].ServoClockDiv +1)/PowerBrick[0].PhaseFreq //(i10) (en msec) Sys.PhaseOverServoPeriod =1/(PowerBrick[0].ServoClockDiv +1); //(utilisé uniquement si servo à la Phase-rate) // Macro PowerBrick[0].MacroModeA =$00408000; //->Ce Master est: Slave, synch par le Ring (= idem un Gate2 *256) PowerBrick[0].MacroModeB =$0; //->Ce Master est: non actif PowerBrick[0].MacroEnableA =$0F803F00; //Master-n°0: Nodes 0,1,2,3,4,5 validés (= idem un Gate2 *256) PowerBrick[0].MacroEnableB =$0; //Master-n°1: -aucun node validés- Macro.TestPeriod = 20; // macro ring cycles in test period (i80) Macro.TestMaxErrors = 2; // max macro errors allowed in test period (i81) Macro.TestReqdSynchs = 16; // min synch packets needed in test period (i82) // Motors Motor[1].pMotorNode = PowerBrick[0].MacroInA[0][0].a //Consignes sur: Gate3-0, ICMacro-A, Node-0 Motor[1].MotorNodeOffset = 64 //=64 si Gate3, =0 si Gate2) Motor[1].MotorMode = 5 //=5 PWM par MACRO Motor[1].ServoCtrl = 1 // L'axe doit etre actif sur le Slave Motor[1].PhaseCtrl = 4 //(=1 Gate3 ou =4 Gate1 ou pas packed) même si commandé MACRO en PWM (.MotorMode= 5) Motor[1].pEncCtrl = PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].OutCtrl.a //(Control Ampli) Motor[1].pDac = PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].Pwm[0].a //(si .MotorMode= 5) Consignes lue sur MACRO Motor[1].pEncStatus = PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].Status.a // (Status Ampli) Motor[1].pAmpEnable = PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].OutCtrl.a //(Enable Ampli) Motor[1].pAmpFault = PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].Status.a // (Fault Ampli) Motor[1].pLimits = PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].Status.a // Limites Motor[1].pAdc = PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].AdcAmp[0].a //(si .MotorMode= 5) Courants émis sur MACRO Motor[1].pEnc = EncTable[1].a //(si .MotorMode= 5) Feedback émis sur MACRO Motor[1].pEnc2 = EncTable[1].a // ici peu importe la .pEnc car aucun codeur connecté PowerBrick Motor[1].AmpFaultLevel =1 Motor[1].EncType =5 Gate3[0].Chan[0].PackOutData = 0 //Pour PowerBrick-LV (1=defaut) Gate3[0].Chan[0].PackInData = 0 //Pour PowerBrick-LV (2=defaut) pp_save.cfg.txt
bradp Posted June 19, 2014 Posted June 19, 2014 This looks like the data from the slave brick. I would like to see the data from the coordinating (master) brick. Or have I misunderstood?
sbrun Posted June 20, 2014 Author Posted June 20, 2014 Sorry Brad, Here is attached the configuration of our coordinating PPmac (UMAC). Motor 1 is configured as this : - Encoder sinCos+hall on local Acc-24E3, - Motor and limits, drived as Node-0 (of a PowrBrick) in PWMUmac_conf_macro&motor.pmh
Richard Naddaf Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 I have only tested the Power Brick auxiliary feature in Torque mode. The majority of people use it this way. Any particular reason why you want to do PWM instead? There is no benefit in further loading the master, especially that the slave unit possesses a CPU which might as well be put to use (computational load sharing). So that eventually the commutation and current loop are performed locally at the slave side. Nevertheless, the current feedback should come back properly... I can take a look at this when I get back into the office sometime next week.
bradp Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 I di not see anything you have missed. I do not have a system to test with so the best option seems to be to do as Richard suggests and unload the main CPU by letting the slave do some of this work. That will get you going and later Richard can see why your setup did not work.
sbrun Posted June 23, 2014 Author Posted June 23, 2014 Thank you Brad and Richard, You're absolutely right, and the final projet will be composed with several PowerBrick with SinCos-ACI option drived in Torque mode. For the moment, and quickly, we have to validate the process of the machine. For that, we have to drive a linear motor with a sincos encoder and our PowerBrick has not the option Sincos installed. We have only a Power-UMAC with Macro and Acc24E3 available to read the SinCos. It's why we try to work with the PowerBrick in Macro-PWM mode.
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