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Demobox Motor Setup


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Hi Everyone,


I have a Power PMAC Demobox, and Im trying to run the Demobox4X Sln file, provided with the project examples when installing the PowerPMAC IDE . I notice that with the values that are set for the Motor gains and velocity terms in the PmH file, none of the motors ever go to a desired, commanded position.


For example, after downloading onto the PMAC, in the terminal, I type:







Telling motor 3 to move to 0 motor units and 10 motor units respectively. It doesnt do this, and whats more, it goes to random positions for the same command. Is the loop not being closed? Am I missing something here?



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Hi Everyone,


I have a Power PMAC Demobox, and Im trying to run the Demobox4X Sln file, provided with the project examples when installing the PowerPMAC IDE . I notice that with the values that are set for the Motor gains and velocity terms in the PmH file, none of the motors ever go to a desired, commanded position.


For example, after downloading onto the PMAC, in the terminal, I type:







Telling motor 3 to move to 0 motor units and 10 motor units respectively. It doesnt do this, and whats more, it goes to random positions for the same command. Is the loop not being closed? Am I missing something here?




I just checked the Motor[3].ClosedLoop loop flag, and it is set to 0 - does anyone know how to enable a motor, and set it to closed loop?


When I type in #3J/, and then I check the above flag, it is set to 1. However, as soon as I issue a jog command, i.e. j=3, then ClosedLoop is set to 0



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