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Clipper 5th axis homimg

Ashish Navale

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Hello Everyone,


I have 4 axes clipper controller with op-12 ,i configure 5 axis and its working fine.

But i faced problem during homing in handwheel port only A,/A,B,/B singnals are available C,/C (index pulse) missing .


I have to home this axis on home switch + index pulse........


Is their any solution for this........

or other any way to home this axis on home switch + index pulse.....



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Hello Everyone,


I have 4 axes clipper controller with op-12 ,i configure 5 axis and its working fine.

But i faced problem during homing in handwheel port only A,/A,B,/B singnals are available C,/C (index pulse) missing .


I have to home this axis on home switch + index pulse........


Is their any solution for this........

or other any way to home this axis on home switch + index pulse.....



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Note that the Handwheel encoder index for the first channel (C-channel HWC1) is located on the JTHW port bit zero (DAT0 pin 3 of J8). A power on PLC will be required to set the JTHW Port Data Type Control Register bit zero to a value of zero to change it from the standard JTHW function to the alternate HWC1 function – all other features of this port can be left at their default settings.

From the Turbo SRM:

Y:$078406 JTHW Port Data Type Control Register

Bits: 0 DAT0 Data Type Control (0=HWC1; 1 =DAT0)


Use the following startup PLC:


M42->Y:$78406,0,24 ; J8 port data type control (1 = I/O; 0 = flag function)


//Power-up PLC:

Open plc 1 clear

M42 = $FFFE ; bit 0 flag function all others standard

Disable plc 1



If needed the JTHW inversion control may be found at: X:$078406

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Note that the Handwheel encoder index for the first channel (C-channel HWC1) is located on the JTHW port bit zero (DAT0 pin 3 of J8). A power on PLC will be required to set the JTHW Port Data Type Control Register bit zero to a value of zero to change it from the standard JTHW function to the alternate HWC1 function – all other features of this port can be left at their default settings.

From the Turbo SRM:

Y:$078406 JTHW Port Data Type Control Register

Bits: 0 DAT0 Data Type Control (0=HWC1; 1 =DAT0)


Use the following startup PLC:


M42->Y:$78406,0,24 ; J8 port data type control (1 = I/O; 0 = flag function)


//Power-up PLC:

Open plc 1 clear

M42 = $FFFE ; bit 0 flag function all others standard

Disable plc 1



If needed the JTHW inversion control may be found at: X:$078406

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