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Motion program jog until trigger not working correctly


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Our system has Endat encoders with 100,000 counts per mm, the first three motors are orthogonal linear axis


The following command issued from a part program causes the first three motors to move until trigger




If the trigger is found within the specified distance system works as expected however if the trigger is not found motor 1 will stop after exactly 10mm however motor 2 never stops (EOT at 100mm) and Motor 3 stops after 11.5mm


Issuing the following command in a part program or Rotary buffer did something entirely unexpected.




Motor 2 stopped after 10mm but motor three moved in a NEGATIVE direction and seemed to be moving indefinately (at least 100mm).


Please note that if the trigger is found the axis does stop, even if it is going in the wrong direction.


Individually JOGn^1000000^0 the program worked as expected.

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Our system has Endat encoders with 100,000 counts per mm, the first three motors are orthogonal linear axis


The following command issued from a part program causes the first three motors to move until trigger




If the trigger is found within the specified distance system works as expected however if the trigger is not found motor 1 will stop after exactly 10mm however motor 2 never stops (EOT at 100mm) and Motor 3 stops after 11.5mm


Issuing the following command in a part program or Rotary buffer did something entirely unexpected.




Motor 2 stopped after 10mm but motor three moved in a NEGATIVE direction and seemed to be moving indefinately (at least 100mm).


Please note that if the trigger is found the axis does stop, even if it is going in the wrong direction.


Individually JOGn^1000000^0 the program worked as expected.


For our multiaxis jog until trigger we set the Motor[x].ProgJogPos set to the appropriate end targets then use jog1,3=*^0;

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