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Manuals for Power PMAC-NC HMI (PPNC)


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Where could I find manuals and reference material for Power PMAC-NC HMI (PPNC) and / or Power PMAC-NC Software Development Kit (SDK)?


I guess that PPNC is using Secure SSH/SFTP communications with PPMAC right? With TURBO PMAC family controllers, interrupt-driven PCI/ISA (with binary buffer) was the communication method of choise over ethernet/USB as for high block-rate throughput was concerned. How is it with PPMAC? What is the max. throughput if PPNC is used - i.e. is there severe restrictions due to SSH/SFTP communication? How the communication is handled?


Thank you in advance!



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I will send you manuals to your email.


All Power PMAC's use Gigabit Ethernet (except Power Clipper) so the communication bandwidth is much higher. Also since Power PMAC's memory is much greater, the necesity to use the rotary buffer is limited to a very small number of users. In general most users will be able to download the entire program directly to PMAC's memory before excecution completely eliminating the communication throughput issue all together.

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That would be great - thanks!


So, if I understood right, PMAC-NC HMI is working as follows: A part program (witch is in sync with all already downloaded subprograms etc) to be run is located in Win 7 server (client) and can be shown in the HMI window. Before execution, the nc-file is fully downloaded to PPMAC (as a file?). In unmanned run HMI is not showing anything. If the status info (position, velocity, block under execution etc.) is shown, the client program (PMAC-NC) is requesting the data and "superpositioning" it with the local copy of the nc program (i.e. showing the current line etc). In this way even the high block rate programs can be run without any throughput issue, and position etc. status info is retrieved and shown with its own update rate independent of the actual block rate of the part program run. Is this the way it works?


Just want to understand the big picture first... :-)




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Yes, this is more or less the way the system works. The part program is downloaded through the parser which modifies the typical NC part program to make it compatible with Power PMAC (add open/close statements, line numbers, block delete logic, etc.). During run mode we pole the currently executing line number, positions, active G-codes, and display them in non-real time. The part program itself is running in real-time.
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