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GeoBrickLV full M-Variables definition


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I'm programming several GeoBrick-LV controllers.


While I succeeded in doing the basic setup and moving motors and creating simple PLCs, I still don't know if I got all the M-Variable definitions right.


My first idea was to use the definitions from the software reference manual, p. 610 (TURBO PMAC2 SUGGESTED M-VARIABLE DEFINITIONS). But the Geo Brick LV's manual gives different definitions for the GPIO related variables (p. 36). Now I could just replace the definitions of GPIO-related M-Variables, but how can I be sure, that there are no further differences?


When I tried to download the suggested definitions via PEWIN32

(Configure->M-Variables->Download Suggested M-variables)

it seems to load definitions as given in the software reference manual, which are different from the GeoBrick LV manual suggestions, for example:




from the SRM vs.




from the GeoBrick LV manual.



Can you provide a full list of suggested M-Variables for the GeoBrick LV?


Best regards,


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The default suggested M-variable definitions the Executive will download are correct for the PMAC that it recognizes, in your case, TURBO PMAC2 SUGGESTED M-VARIABLE DEFINITIONS. The I/O definitions used always assume the standard DSPGate2 I/O. The Brick-LV has different I/O addresses. After the “Download Suggested M-variables” has finished download the I/O definitions as specified in the Brick-LV User’s manual.
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