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Power Clipper. Gate3[i].Chan[j].AdcAmp[k] don't work on phase B


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Good day.


I have the last versions of Power Clipper firmware and IDE.


The value of gate3[0].Chan[0].AdcAmp[0] (A phase, strobed on rising edge of phase clock) is real




gate3[0].Chan[0].AdcAmp[1] (B phase, strobed on rising edge of phase clock) don't change


How can I get the value?

Thank you.


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I suspect that your Phase B current value is "packed" into the low 16 bits of the same 32-bit word for which your Phase A current occupies the high 16 bits.


Set Gate3[0].Chan[0].PackInData to 0 and repeat the test. The Phase B current value should then appear in the high 16 bits of AdcAmp[1].


You have two possible ways of setting up the channel and motor for direct PWM control with a Gate3. One is:


Gate3.Chan[j].PackInData = 1 // Two ADC values in one register

Gate3.Chan[j].PackOutData = 1 // Two PWM values in one register

Motor[x].PhaseCtrl = 1 // Commutation using packed inputs and outputs


This method is faster due to reduce input and output accesses, but harder to debug and analyze.


The second method uses:


Gate3.Chan[j].PackInData = 0 // Two ADC values in separate registers

Gate3.Chan[j].PackOutData = 1 // PWM values in separate registers

Motor[x].PhaseCtrl = 4 // Commutation using unpacked inputs and outputs


This method is a little slower, but easier to work with.


We generally recommend the second method unless you are really pushing the Power PMAC for CPU time, which you almost never are for a Power Clipper. Also, on the Power Clipper drive, we use the lower 16 bits of these registers for auxiliary information from the power stage.

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