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question about data gathering


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In powerpmac,after I used data gather function ,such as :







Can I export the gather data as a *.txt file or other file format for outside use.Not use the powerpmac ide's ploting funtion.

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Yes - you can use the "gather_csv" executable from the Linux prompt using the "-u" with a filename option:


gather_csv [-u] [filename]

The “-u” will without the filename parameter will stream the contents of the most recent data gather to the standard output as in the current SSH, Telnet or serial port connection.

The “-u” with the filename parameter will stream it to that file. Using the “/var/ftp/usrflash/” directory is recommended as this is already writable and will allow ftp uploads without any permission changes.

For example:

gather_csv -u /var/ftp/usrflash/mygatherfile

This puts the last gathered data in a text file named “mygatherfile” in the “/var/ftp/usrflash/” directory where ftp access is available.

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Yes - you can use the "gather_csv" executable from the Linux prompt using the "-u" with a filename option:


gather_csv [-u] [filename]

The “-u” will without the filename parameter will stream the contents of the most recent data gather to the standard output as in the current SSH, Telnet or serial port connection.

The “-u” with the filename parameter will stream it to that file. Using the “/var/ftp/usrflash/” directory is recommended as this is already writable and will allow ftp uploads without any permission changes.

For example:

gather_csv -u /var/ftp/usrflash/mygatherfile

This puts the last gathered data in a text file named “mygatherfile” in the “/var/ftp/usrflash/” directory where ftp access is available.


I wondered about what was written. The command is not gather_csv it is just gather. So you should do gather -u /var/ftp/gather/ggg.txt to send the already gathered data from the structures inside the ppmac to the file ggg.txt.


I just tested this and it is working. My test was simple. I open the plot program and gathered some data and plotted it to be sure the gather worked. Then I ran the command and saw my file was created. Then I listed the file contents to verify it had the data inside.

gather -u /var/ftp/gather/ggg.txt

what is the difference between gather_csv and gather?

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i have tried system" gather -u /var/ftp/usrflash/sample.txt" and system"/opt/ppmac/gather_csv/gather_csv -u /var/ftp/usrflash/sample.txt",and they have the same effect, all creat a txt file named sample in /var/ftp/usrflash.

but I still dont now why they are same.

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