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Motor & Power Connectors on Geo Direct?


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THe Geo DIrect drives manual specs the three position 3phase AC in connector as the same Molex number as both of the 3 pos Motor Power out connectors.


The board-mounted receptacles are clearly keyed on the AC input conn. This is how it should be to prevent accidental miss-connection. (the motor power conns should also be uniquely keyed but they are not.)


Is there a proper spec for the Molex shells with correct keying?


I am referencing the Geo Direct manual from the DT /Omron site.


Also missing from the connector documentation in the manula is the Safety relay connector spec. Similar in size but different than the Thermal/I/O connector.





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So, a little more of a puzzle. On closer inspection, the actual motor connectors ARE different from the AC in connector. THis is good.


Problem is, the documentation in the installation manual specifies the same mating connector for the motor power and the AC input. Inspection of the actual connectors makes this impossible. This is bad.


One of specs appears in error. We have a range of GPL102 drives from 2006 thru 2015 and all have the same connectors on them.

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Check out 'Geo PMAC Drive User Manual' beginning on pp88 (appendix A), dated Apr 28, 2016.

The correct Molex part #'s are listed. Drawings follow as documentation of the pre-made DT connector kits, but the Molex #'s are included also.


I see some issues here as well. But - I can say I have used the kit-1A #'s to buy Molex for GPH-052 drives, and your GPL-102 is listed as using the same kit.

The 1A kit does spec the AC and Motor connectors as different.


IF you were asking about a GPH-102 drive (but you are not), that calls for a 2A kit which does call for the same connector on AC and motor connections. Maybe this is wrong, but I have never used a GPH-102. The 2A kit is used for a GPH-152 (another drive I have used) and specs same connector for AC and motor, which I recall is in fact the case.


You are right, they should be different, and on your GPL-102, using the 1A call out, they are.


Confused yet??


As an aside - since you mention drives dating back to 2006, you might want to review the start-up and shut down procedures as outlined in the latest manual. There were many reliability issues, perhaps more acute with the 480v (GPH) drives. Lots of broken hearts.



Hey ODT, How about a separate heading for drives related topics ?? I hear there will be renewed interest soon....(?)

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