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IDE closing windows increases Sys.ServoErrorCtr


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I was wondering why Sys.ServoErrorCtr would get bigger than 0 at all.

Then I realized, whenever I close one of the windows within IDE (Plot, Tune, Task-Manager,...) or even open or close the IDE itself, Sys.ServoErrorCtr would increase tremendously.


Can anybody copy this behavior?!




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We have a similar issue where closing the Tune window will cause our ECAT network to drop out momentarily. Happens almost every time on firmware and IDE v3.

Downgrading to firmware and IDE version 2 seems to solve it.


Edit: On Power UMAC 465.

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Hi there!


I am running a UMAC ARM PPMAC with Acc24E3.

It seems to be an issue related to the overall load of the PPMAC, which is about 50% on both cores. I've tested two variants:

With V2.4.1.2 and IDE

With V2.3.2.5 and IDE

On both Sys.ServoErrorCtr, Sys.ServoBusyCtr are incrementing on closing any window like Plot, Tune, Task-Manager...even on closing the IDE itself.


After a $$$***, so almost no load, this behavior does not show up.


Regards, Anton


I do not get this issue on my IDE and FW


What hardware platform are you using?

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