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How to monitor the Safe Torque Off in Power Brick LV


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The Power Brick LV does not exhibit an amplifier fault in the motor status when the STO is triggered, it is strongly advised to issue a kill to all active motors as soon as the STO is triggered. This can be done in a background PLC. It is suggested to wire the STO feedback to input#1 of the Power Brick LV.


See the "STO" section of the "Power Brick LV User Manual" for implementation details.

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  • 6 months later...

Dear steve.milici,


I saw the 'STO' section of the "Power Brick LV User Manual" and I got confused in 3 points.


1) Is the 'STO feedback' mentioned the same as 'STO Out (pin #1)'?

2) When you say "It is suggested to wire the STO feedback to input#1 of the Power Brick LV". Is the input#1 the Digital Input pin1 'X15: D-sub DC-37F'?


3) (Assumed STO feedback the same as STO Out)

It seems the 'recovering from the STO' suggested PLC code has mistakes in the conditionals sentences



LOCAL Mtr1PrevI2TSet;

IF (Input1) // I think this should be 'IF (~(input1))' once STO Out has 0V in failured condition



IF (Motor[1].I2tSum > 0)




Mtr1PrevI2TSet = Motor[1].I2TSet

DO {Motor[1].I2tSet = 0} WHILE (Motor[1].I2tSum > 0)

Motor[1].I2TSet = Mtr1PrevI2TSet


WHILE(Input1){} // Same here




Thanks in advance,


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