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RESOLVED - Description of Biss-C Setup on PowerBrickLV

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Hi, I am operating a PowerBrickLV with 5/15A on channels 1-8.

We have the Biss-C serial encoder option and want to set up two Motors.


1. Direct Microstep with encoder feedback on Gate3[1].Chan[1]


2. VoiceCoil with Encoder feedback on Gate3[1].Chan[2]


To my surprise it Biss-C is the only Protocoll, which is not covered in the PowerBrickLV Manual.


Serial Encoder: Renishaw Resolute with 1nm resolution and 36Bit data. Linear Encoder.


I found a description on other Motors and Resolution of Biss-C serial encoders but I am not sure if I am able to translate that to my needs in short time because we need the encoders running as fast as possible. I am grateful for any help,

best reagards

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Comment from 2012 regarding Biss-C I think is still relevant.

Not in Gate-3, but can be accessed in ACC-84E

Unless your Brick has the ACC-84 option, you may need a different feedback (???)


Acc-84E manual

Biss-C starts on page 125 (unfortunately for Turbo)



Setup for the ACC-84E option on a P-Brick (with ACC-84E option) is covered in the Power PMAC Users Manual beginning page 128


Hi, after accepting that this is not a quick issue and having read the section in the User's Manual I think I got the picture. So now I tried to set up my system with the help of an excel spreadsheet I found here. I get a position feedback, that is increasing wildly when I activate the motor. I'll just post my code and hope that someone sees the problem(s). If you could take a look at it that would great - don't take the comments in my code too serious, much of it is outdated and this is an experimental project file. And please excuse my messy formatting. I will keep on looking for solutions in other posts.


Motor[6] has serial feedback, Motor[8] is slaved to Motor[6] and produces quadrature signals.


startup file ------------------------------------------


Sys.MaxCoords = 4

Sys.MaxMotors = 16


PowerBrick[1].PhaseFreq = 20000

PowerBrick[1].ServoClockDiv = 1

PowerBrick[0].PhaseFreq = 20000

PowerBrick[0].ServoClockDiv = 1

Sys.RtIntPeriod = 1

Sys.ServoPeriod = 1000 * (PowerBrick[0].ServoClockDiv + 1) / PowerBrick[0].PhaseFreq

Sys.PhaseOverServoPeriod = 1 / (PowerBrick[0].ServoClockDiv + 1)


PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].PwmFreqMult = 1

PowerBrick[0].Chan[1].PwmFreqMult = 1

PowerBrick[0].Chan[2].PwmFreqMult = 1

PowerBrick[0].Chan[3].PwmFreqMult = 1

PowerBrick[1].Chan[0].PwmFreqMult = 1

PowerBrick[1].Chan[1].PwmFreqMult = 1

PowerBrick[1].Chan[2].PwmFreqMult = 1

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].PwmFreqMult = 1


Sys.WpKey = $AAAAAAAA // Disable Write-Protection

PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].PackOutData = 0 // Channel #1 Unpack Output Data

PowerBrick[0].Chan[1].PackOutData = 0 // Channel #2 Unpack Output Data

PowerBrick[0].Chan[2].PackOutData = 0 // Channel #3 Unpack Output Data

PowerBrick[0].Chan[3].PackOutData = 0 // Channel #4 Unpack Output Data

PowerBrick[1].Chan[0].PackOutData = 0 // Channel #5 Unpack Output Data

PowerBrick[1].Chan[1].PackOutData = 0 // Channel #6 Unpack Output Data

PowerBrick[1].Chan[2].PackOutData = 0 // Channel #7 Unpack Output Data

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].PackOutData = 0 // Channel #8 Unpack Output Data

PowerBrick[0].Chan[0].PackInData = 0 // Channel #1 Unpack Input Data

PowerBrick[0].Chan[1].PackInData = 0 // Channel #2 Unpack Input Data

PowerBrick[0].Chan[2].PackInData = 0 // Channel #3 Unpack Input Data

PowerBrick[0].Chan[3].PackInData = 0 // Channel #4 Unpack Input Data

PowerBrick[1].Chan[0].PackInData = 0 // Channel #5 Unpack Input Data

PowerBrick[1].Chan[1].PackInData = 0 // Channel #6 Unpack Input Data

PowerBrick[1].Chan[2].PackInData = 0 // Channel #7 Unpack Input Data

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].PackInData = 0 // Channel #8 Unpack Input Data


BrickLV.Chan[0].TwoPhaseMode = 1 //

BrickLV.Chan[1].TwoPhaseMode = 1 //

BrickLV.Chan[2].TwoPhaseMode = 1 //

BrickLV.Chan[3].TwoPhaseMode = 1 //

BrickLV.Chan[0].I2tWarnOnly = 0 // Motor #1 Amp I2T action, kill motor & display fault

BrickLV.Chan[1].I2tWarnOnly = 0 // Motor #2 Amp I2T action, kill motor & display fault

BrickLV.Chan[2].I2tWarnOnly = 0 // Motor #3 Amp I2T action, kill motor & display fault

BrickLV.Chan[3].I2tWarnOnly = 0 // Motor #4 Amp I2T action, kill motor & display fault

BrickLV.Chan[4].TwoPhaseMode = 1 //

BrickLV.Chan[5].TwoPhaseMode = 1 //

BrickLV.Chan[6].TwoPhaseMode = 1 //

BrickLV.Chan[7].TwoPhaseMode = 1 //

BrickLV.Chan[4].I2tWarnOnly = 0 // Motor #5 Amp I2T action, kill motor & display fault

BrickLV.Chan[5].I2tWarnOnly = 0 // Motor #6 Amp I2T action, kill motor & display fault

BrickLV.Chan[6].I2tWarnOnly = 0 // Motor #7 Amp I2T action, kill motor & display fault

BrickLV.Chan[7].I2tWarnOnly = 0 // Motor #8 Amp I2T action, kill motor & display fault


//Motor[8] - Quadrature signal output configuration

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].PackOutData = 0 // Unpack Output Data

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].OutputMode = PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].OutputMode | $8 // Force D PFM

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].PfmFormat = 1 // =0 PFM, =1 Quadrature

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].PfmDirPol = 0 // Non-Inverted

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].OutFlagD = 1 // =0 for halls, =1 for PFM


EncTable[1].type = 11;

EncTable[1].pEnc = Motor[1].PhasePos.a;

EncTable[1].index1 = 5;

EncTable[1].index2 = 0;

EncTable[1].index3 = 0;

EncTable[1].index4 = 0;

EncTable[1].index5 = 255;

EncTable[1].index6 = 1;

EncTable[1].ScaleFactor = 1 / (256 * (EncTable[1].index5 + 1) * EXP2(EncTable[1].index1));



EncTable[2].type = 11;

EncTable[2].pEnc = Motor[2].PhasePos.a;

EncTable[2].index1 = 5;

EncTable[2].index2 = 0;

EncTable[2].index3 = 0;

EncTable[2].index4 = 0;

EncTable[2].index5 = 255;

EncTable[2].index6 = 1;

EncTable[2].ScaleFactor = 1 / (256 * (EncTable[2].index5 + 1) * EXP2(EncTable[2].index1));



EncTable[3].type = 11;

EncTable[3].pEnc = Motor[3].PhasePos.a;

EncTable[3].index1 = 5;

EncTable[3].index2 = 0;

EncTable[3].index3 = 0;

EncTable[3].index4 = 0;

EncTable[3].index5 = 255;

EncTable[3].index6 = 1;

EncTable[3].ScaleFactor = 1 / (256 * (EncTable[3].index5 + 1) * EXP2(EncTable[3].index1));



EncTable[4].type = 11;

EncTable[4].pEnc = Motor[4].PhasePos.a;

EncTable[4].index1 = 5;

EncTable[4].index2 = 0;

EncTable[4].index3 = 0;

EncTable[4].index4 = 0;

EncTable[4].index5 = 255;

EncTable[4].index6 = 1;

EncTable[4].ScaleFactor = 1 / (256 * (EncTable[4].index5 + 1) * EXP2(EncTable[4].index1));



EncTable[5].type = 11;

EncTable[5].pEnc = Motor[5].PhasePos.a;

EncTable[5].index1 = 5;

EncTable[5].index2 = 0;

EncTable[5].index3 = 0;

EncTable[5].index4 = 0;

EncTable[5].index5 = 255;

EncTable[5].index6 = 1;

EncTable[5].ScaleFactor = 1 / (256 * (EncTable[5].index5 + 1) * EXP2(EncTable[5].index1));



// Focusing Stepper, Master To Motor 8

// These Setup-Elements are not necessairy with encoder feedback

//EncTable[6].type = 11;

//EncTable[6].pEnc = Motor[6].PhasePos.a;

//EncTable[6].index1 = 5;

//EncTable[6].index2 = 0;

//EncTable[6].index3 = 0;

//EncTable[6].index4 = 0;

//EncTable[6].index5 = 255;

//EncTable[6].index6 = 1;

//EncTable[6].ScaleFactor = 1 / (256 * (EncTable[6].index5 + 1) * EXP2(EncTable[6].index1));


// Setup for use with encoder

// 400 Steps per Rotation gives 0.9°per Step.

// per PowerBrickLV manual that equates to 100 pole-pairs.

// This number is used for the setup of the ongoing phase-postion.


//Serial encoder setup elements

Acc84B[1].SerialEncCtrl = $B010B

Acc84B[1].Chan[1].SerialEncCmd = $1514A4

Gate3[1].Chan[1].SerialEncEna = 1


// --- Encoder Conversion Table for position/velocity feeback ----------

EncTable[6].Type = 1

EncTable[6].pEnc = Acc84B[1].Chan[1].SerialEncDataA.a

EncTable[6].index1 = 8

EncTable[6].index2 = 8

EncTable[6].ScaleFactor = 1/256





EncTable[7].type = 11;

EncTable[7].pEnc = Motor[7].PhasePos.a;

EncTable[7].index1 = 5;

EncTable[7].index2 = 0;

EncTable[7].index3 = 0;

EncTable[7].index4 = 0;

EncTable[7].index5 = 255;

EncTable[7].index6 = 1;

EncTable[7].ScaleFactor = 1 / (256 * (EncTable[7].index5 + 1) * EXP2(EncTable[7].index1));


//Virtual Motor, Quadrature adjustments

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].EncCtrl = 8

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].TimerMode = 3


// Virtual Motor, Slave to Motor 6









EncTable[8].ScaleFactor = 1/256

//EncTable[8].ScaleFactor = 1


enable plc 1 ; // initialising power-up-plc




global definitions file --------------------------

undefine all ; // Alle Koordinatensysteme deaktivieren (Vorsichtsma\ss{}nahme)




global DcBusInput = 48 ;





// Motor[1] - Stepper -----------------------------------------//


global Mtr1DcVoltage = 48 ;


// For phasing with stepper - method

global Mtr1PhasingTime = 1000 ; //msec


// Current settings

global Ch1MaxAdc = 33.85 ; // max adc-gain

global Ch1PeakCur = 1.5 ; // peak motor-current

global Ch1ContCur = 1.3 ; // continuous current

global Ch1HoldCur = 0.6 ; // hold current

global Ch1TimeAtPeak = 1 ; // time for peak current



// Motor[2] - Stepper -----------------------------------------//


global Mtr2DcVoltage = 48 ;


// For phasing with stepper - method

global Mtr2PhasingTime = 1000 ; //msec


// Current settings

global Ch2MaxAdc = 33.85 ; // max adc-gain

global Ch2PeakCur = 1.5 ; // peak motor-current

global Ch2ContCur = 1.3 ; // continuous current

global Ch2HoldCur = 0.6 ; // hold current

global Ch2TimeAtPeak = 1 ; // time for peak current



// Motor[3] - Stepper -----------------------------------------//


global Mtr3DcVoltage = 48 ;


// For phasing with stepper - method

global Mtr3PhasingTime = 1000 ; //msec


// Current settings

global Ch3MaxAdc = 33.85 ; // max adc-gain

global Ch3PeakCur = 1.8 ; // peak motor-current

global Ch3ContCur = 1.5 ; // continuous current

global Ch3HoldCur = 0.6 ; // hold current

global Ch3TimeAtPeak = 1 ; // time for peak current




// Motor[4] - Stepper -----------------------------------------//


global Mtr4DcVoltage = 48 ;


// For phasing with stepper - method

global Mtr4PhasingTime = 1000 ; //msec


// Current settings

global Ch4MaxAdc = 33.85 ; // max adc-gain

global Ch4PeakCur = 1.5 ; // peak motor-current

global Ch4ContCur = 1.3 ; // continuous current

global Ch4HoldCur = 0.6 ; // hold current

global Ch4TimeAtPeak = 1 ; // time for peak current




// Motor[5] - Stepper -----------------------------------------//


global Mtr5DcVoltage = 48 ;


// For phasing with stepper - method

global Mtr5PhasingTime = 1000 ; //msec


// Current settings

global Ch5MaxAdc = 33.85 ; // max adc-gain

global Ch5PeakCur = 1.5 ; // peak motor-current

global Ch5ContCur = 1.3 ; // continuous current

global Ch5HoldCur = 0.6 ; // hold current

global Ch5TimeAtPeak = 1 ; // time for peak current




// Motor[6] - Stepper -----------------------------------------//


global Mtr6DcVoltage = 48 ;


// For phasing with stepper - method

global Mtr6PhasingTime = 1000 ; //msec


// Current settings

global Ch6MaxAdc = 33.85 ; // max adc-gain

global Ch6PeakCur = 0.8 ; // peak motor-current

global Ch6ContCur = 0.6 ; // continuous current

global Ch6HoldCur = 0.2 ; // hold current

global Ch6TimeAtPeak = 1 ; // time for peak current




// Motor[7] - Stepper -----------------------------------------//


global Mtr7DcVoltage = 48 ;


// For phasing with stepper - method

global Mtr7PhasingTime = 1000 ; //msec


// Current settings

global Ch7MaxAdc = 33.85 ; // max adc-gain

global Ch7PeakCur = 1.5 ; // peak motor-current

global Ch7ContCur = 1.3 ; // continuous current

global Ch7HoldCur = 0.6 ; // hold current

global Ch7TimeAtPeak = 1 ; // time for peak current




// Motor[8] - Stepper -----------------------------------------//


global Mtr8DcVoltage = 48 ;


// For phasing with stepper - method

global Mtr8PhasingTime = 1000 ; //msec


// Current settings

global Ch8MaxAdc = 33.85 ; // max adc-gain

global Ch8PeakCur = 1.5 ; // peak motor-current

global Ch8ContCur = 1.3 ; // continuous current

global Ch8HoldCur = 0.6 ; // hold current

global Ch8TimeAtPeak = 1 ; // time for peak current



quadrature signal setup file --------------------------------

GLOBAL MaxPfmFreq = 6.25; // [MHz]

GLOBAL MinPulseWidth = 1000 / MaxPfmFreq; // 40 [nsec]

GLOBAL PulseWidth = 4*MinPulseWidth; // 600 [nsec]

PowerBrick[1].PfmClockDiv = LOG2(100 / (MaxPfmFreq)) // 2

PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].PfmWidth = PulseWidth * MaxPfmFreq / 1000 // $F (15)

GLOBAL PfmMaxSpeed = 1000000 / (PulseWidth + MinPulseWidth) // [kHz]


motor[6] setup file ----------------------------------

// Encoder-Feedback requires setup for ongoing phase-position

// motor-setup of brushless type.

// This has to be configured for biss-c serial communication

// protocoll encoders.


//--- Motor AbsPhase Setup ------------------------

Motor[6].AbsPhasePosFormat = $00042000 //??...

Motor[6].AbsPhasePosSf = 2048*1/1000

Motor[6].AbsPhasePosOffset = 0

Motor[6].pAbsPhasePos = Acc84B[1].Chan[1].SerialEncDataA.a

Motor[6].PhaseFindingTime = 4


//--- Motor Abs Position Setup ---------------------

Motor[6].AbsPosFormat = $00002400

Motor[6].AbsPosSf = 1

Motor[6].HomeOffset = 0

Motor[6].pAbsPos = Acc84B[1].Chan[1].SerialEncDataA.a


// --- Commutation ----------

Motor[6].PhaseCtrl = 1

Motor[6].pPhaseEnc = Acc84B[1].Chan[1].SerialEncDataA.a

Motor[6].PhaseEncRightshift = 8

Motor[6].PhaseEncLeftShift = 8

Motor[6].PhasePosSf = 2048*1/(256*1000) //because of 8-bits shift, result is 256x bigger.



// If motor does not move, reverse PhaseOffset and Pwsfm!!!


Motor[6].pEnc = EncTable[6].a

Motor[6].pEnc2 = EncTable[6].a


Motor[6].ServoCtrl = 0

Motor[6].AdcMask = $FFFC0000

Motor[6].AmpFaultLevel = 1

Motor[6].PhaseOffset = -512 //Remains for encoder-setup

Motor[6].PhaseCtrl = 4

Motor[6].Servo.MaxPosErr = 100000

Motor[6].Servo.Kp = 0.1

Motor[6].Servo.Kvff = 0

Motor[6].Servo.Kaff = 0

Motor[6].Servo.Kvfb = 0

Motor[6].Servo.Ki = 0

Motor[6].Servo.Kvifb = 0

Motor[6].Servo.Kviff = 0



Motor[6].IiGain = 2.0

Motor[6].IpfGain = 10.0

Motor[6].IpbGain = 2.0


Motor[6].MaxSpeed=500 //Max Speed = 5 steps/msec

Motor[6].InvAmax= 1 / (20 * Motor[6].MaxSpeed) //Max Acceleration = 1mu/msec^2

Motor[6].InvDmax=Motor[6].InvAmax //Max Deceleratiion = 1mu/msec^2

Motor[6].InvJmax=Motor[6].InvAmax //Max dA/dt


Motor[6].JogSpeed = 200

Motor[6].JogTa= -1 / (10 * Motor[6].MaxSpeed)

Motor[6].JogTs= Motor[6].JogTa


Motor[6].pLimits = PowerBrick[1].Chan[1].Status.a



Motor[6].PwmSf = -0.95 * 16384 //Remains for encoder-setup


Motor[6].MaxDac = Ch6PeakCur * 28378 / Ch6MaxAdc

Motor[6].I2tSet= Ch6ContCur * 28378 / Ch6MaxAdc

Motor[6].I2tTrip= ( pow(Motor[6].MaxDac,2) - pow(Motor[6].I2TSet,2) ) * Ch6TimeAtPeak



Motor[6].pAdc = Gate3[1].Chan[1].AdcAmp[0].a


// Stepper setup elements

//Motor[6].pEnc = EncTable[6].a

//Motor[6].pEnc2 = EncTable[6].a

//Motor[6].DtOverRotorTc = 0.0 ;

//Motor[6].IdCmd = Motor[6].I2TSet / 2 ;

//Motor[6].SlipGain = Sys.PhaseOverServoPeriod / (Motor[6].Stime + 1)

//Motor[6].AdvGain = 1/16*Sys.PhaseOverServoPeriod*(0.25/Sys.ServoPeriod/Sys.PhaseOverServoPeriod)

//Motor[6].PhaseMode = 1 //Is deleted for encoder-setup

//Motor[6].PhasePosSf = 0

//Motor[6].pAbsPhasePos = PowerBrick[1].Chan[1].PhaseCapt.a

//Motor[6].PowerOnMode = 2

//Motor[6].PhaseCtrl = 6 //turns to 4 for encoder-setup



motor[8] setup file -----------------------------------------------

// Virtual Motor following Master Motor


//Quadrature Signal configuration

Motor[8].pDac = PowerBrick[1].Chan[3].Pfm.a // Command output, point to PFM

Motor[8].MaxDac = 2 * 32768 / (MaxPfmFreq * 1000 / (1000000 / (PulseWidth + MinPulseWidth)))





// Slave-Configuration

Motor[8].pMasterEnc = EncTable[6].a // Master position source address

Motor[8].MasterPosSf = 1 // Electronic gear scale factor

Motor[8].MasterCtrl =1 //enabled (normal mode), =0 disabled, =3 offset mode



Motor[8].Ctrl=Sys.PidCtrl // This can be set to Sys.ServoCtrl for using advanced filters. Sys.PidCtrl adds less CPU load in comparison.
















// Adjust the following values based upon the application































Motor[8].ServoCtrl = 1


Hi, after accepting that this is not a quick issue and having read the section in the User's Manual I think I got the picture. So now I tried to set up my system with the help of an excel spreadsheet I found here. I get a position feedback, that is increasing wildly when I activate the motor....


Does it look like the returned serial position is being integrated?


If so, check EncTable[6].index4. From the Power Users Manual, page 198:



Numerical-Integration Operations: index4 and EncBias


If EncTable[n].index2 is less than 32 (no tracking filter), then EncTable[n].index4 specifies the number of times the source data is integrated into the result data. At the default value of 0, no numerical integration is performed. A value of 1 specifies that a single integration is performed, as from a velocity reading into a position result...


Hi, after accepting that this is not a quick issue and having read the section in the User's Manual I think I got the picture. So now I tried to set up my system with the help of an excel spreadsheet I found here. I get a position feedback, that is increasing wildly when I activate the motor...



//Serial encoder setup elements

Acc84B[1].SerialEncCtrl = $B010B

Acc84B[1].Chan[1].SerialEncCmd = $1514A4

Gate3[1].Chan[1].SerialEncEna = 1


I've successfully set up a BISS-C encoder on an ACC-84E on Turbo hardware once, so take what I'm suggesting with a grain of salt.


I'll break out the SerialEncCtrl and SerialEncCmd setups from the above registers to confirm that they're as intended:



- Serial Frequency: 8.333_ Mhz

- Trigger on Phase clock, falling edge

- no trigger output delay

- BiSS-C protocol



- CRC mask = $15

- BiSS-C protocol

- (support of MCD bit=0)?

- SerialEncTrigMode=0 - continuous sampling

- SerialEncTrigEna=1 - enable trigger on

- SerialEncStatusBits=2

- SerialEncNumBits=36


Two notes:


1. Renishaw documentation suggests a maximum trigger rate of 25kHz. The phase clock in your setup is 20kHz, so this should be within spec.


_However_, if you look inside the included Renishaw BiSS-C mode documentation (L-9709-9005-03-F, page 3) this rate is too high to operate without line delay compensation.


For prototyping could you slow the phase/servo clock and the serial encoder frequency and confirm the itntegrity of the serial communications ?


2. The CRC mask shown above doesn't appear to match the Renishaw/CRC standard. The documentation (again, L-9709-9005-03-F, page 2) shows the CRC calculation as x^6+x^1+x^0==$43, rather than $15?


// --- Encoder Conversion Table for position/velocity feeback ----------

EncTable[6].Type = 1

EncTable[6].pEnc = Acc84B[1].Chan[1].SerialEncDataA.a

EncTable[6].index1 = 8

EncTable[6].index2 = 8

EncTable[6].ScaleFactor = 1/256


Here, could you check that EncTable[6].index3..6 are equal to zero?

In particular, I see that if index4 !=0 then the encoder value will be integrated, per the Power PMAC Users manual, page 198:


If EncTable[n].index2 is less than 32 (no tracking filter), then EncTable[n].index4 specifies the number of times the source data is integrated into the result data. At the default value of 0, no numerical integration is performed. A value of 1 specifies that a single integration is performed...


Finally, I've also attached the Excel spreadsheet that I found somewhere else on the forums, which I used to tease out the functions from the encoder control and command registers.


-Jeff Dickert

-Berkeley Center for Structural Biology

-ALS - Beamline Controls Group


Technical note 40_02_CRC Calculation.pdf



Hi Jeff, thanks a lot for your response. I found my mistake.

I thought I needed to enable the serial encoder function on the PowerBrick. So I set

PowerBrick[1].Chan[1].SerialEncEna = 1

as was written in the PowerBrickLV Manual. I realized that the following commands


Acc84B[1].Chan[1].SerialEncCmd =$2114A4

were available for the Accessorie 84B and substituted the name. After a long day trying to get to the core of the problem

together with my colleagues I thought that I may not need to enable that on the PowerBrick.

Though my colleagues and I thought that it was sensible to enable that function and did not uestioned it before. But that was it....

I can't say how happy I am to have found the problem.

It could have messed up the whole experiment scheduled for our scientist at the beamline. Having said that, it is always possible to run into trouble when you setup new systems. I'll post a description of my setup and my hardware when I am done with our Experiment.


Serial encoder: Renishaw RESOLUTE RL36B VS 001C 05 V

PowerBrickLV PBL8-H23-000-5E00V00


So we have the Acc84B which enables us to the use Biss-C serial protocoll.

We used it on a VoiceCoil and a Stepper Motor, maybe the VoiceCoil is more interesting as a drive.

It is a MotiCont LVCM-038-038-02.


These were my setup-files:

1. pp_disable.txt:



disable plc 0..31

undefine all

clear all buffers




Sys.pAbortAll = 0

Sys.MaxCoords = 8

Sys.MaxMotors = 16


Gate3[1].PhaseFreq = 30000.00

Gate3[1].ServoClockDiv = 4


Gate3[1].EncClockDiv = 4

Sys.RtIntPeriod = 2

Sys.ServoPeriod = 1000 * ( Gate3[1].ServoClockDiv + 1 ) / Gate3[0].PhaseFreq

Sys.PhaseOverServoPeriod = 1 / ( Gate3[1].ServoClockDiv + 1 )

Gate3[0].AdcAmpClockDiv = 4


//Serial encoder setup elements

Acc84B[1].Chan[2].SerialEncCmd = $2114A4


Gate3[1].Chan[2].PwmFreqMult = 2

PowerBrick[1].Chan[2].PackInData = 0 //

PowerBrick[1].Chan[2].PackOutData = 0 //

BrickLV.Chan[6].TwoPhaseMode = 0

BrickLV.Chan[6].I2tWarnOnly = 0


EncTable[7].Type = 1

EncTable[7].pEnc = Acc84B[1].Chan[2].SerialEncDataA.a

EncTable[7].index1 = 8

EncTable[7].index2 = 8

EncTable[7].ScaleFactor = 1/256


enable plc 1

//I omitted the setup of all all other motors and gate3[0] for simplicity


3.Global Includes

a. Global Definitions with variable definitions for motor power and motion

global DcBusInput = 48

global Mtr7DcVoltage = 48

global Mtr7PhasingTime = 1000

global Ch7MaxAdc = 33.85

global Ch7PeakCur = 4.55

global Ch7ContCur = 1.44

global Ch7TimeAtPeak = 0.5

global Mtr7MaxJogSpeed = 1000

global Mtr7MaxAccel = 0.05

global Mtr7MaxJerk = Mtr7MaxAccel

global Mtr7JogSpeed = 0.5 * Mtr7MaxJogSpeed

global Mtr7Accel = 0.5 * Mtr7MaxAccel

global Mtr7Jerk = 0.5 * Mtr7MaxJerk


b.Motor[7] Setup


Motor[7].AbsPosFormat = $00082408

Motor[7].HomeOffset = 0

Motor[7].pAbsPos = Acc84B[1].Chan[2].SerialEncDataA.a


Motor[7].pLimits = PowerBrick[1].Chan[2].Status.a


Motor[7].pLimits = PowerBrick[1].Chan[2].Status.a

Motor[7].AdcMask = $FFFC0000

Motor[7].AmpFaultLevel = 1

Motor[7].PhaseCtrl = 4

Motor[7].PhaseMode = 3

Motor[7].PhaseOffset = 512

Motor[7].PhasePosSf = 0

Motor[7].pAbsPhasePos = Sys.pushm

Motor[7].PowerOnMode = 2

Motor[7].PwmSf = 0.95 * 16384

global Mtr7ScaleFactor = Motor[7].PosSf


Motor[7].PhaseTableBias = 0

Motor[7].pAmpFault = PowerBrick[1].Chan[2].Status.a

Motor[7].MaxDac = Ch7PeakCur * 28378 / Ch7MaxAdc

Motor[7].I2tSet= Ch7ContCur * 28378 / Ch7MaxAdc

Motor[7].I2tTrip= ( pow(Motor[7].MaxDac,2) - pow(Motor[7].I2TSet,2) ) * Ch7TimeAtPeak

Motor[7].IiGain= 0.0

Motor[7].IpfGain = 3.0

Motor[7].IpbGain= 0.0

Motor[7].Servo.Kp = 0.4

Motor[7].Servo.Kvfb = 0.05

Motor[7].Servo.Kvifb = 0.85

Motor[7].Servo.Ki = 0.004

Motor[7].Servo.Kvff = 0.0

Motor[7].Servo.Kviff = 0.95

Motor[7].Servo.Kaff = 50

Motor[7].Servo.Kfff = 75


Motor[7].Servo.BreakPosErr = 0

Motor[7].Servo.Kbreak = 0.0






//After having defined my motion parameters in I multiply/divide by thousand.

Motor[7].jogspeed= (Mtr7JogSpeed ) / ( 1000 )

Motor[7].JogTa= 1000 * Mtr7Accel

Motor[7].JogTs= 1000 * Mtr7Jerk

Motor[7].MaxSpeed= ( Mtr7MaxJogSpeed ) / ( 1000 )

Motor[7].InvAmax= 1 / ( Mtr7MaxAccel * 1000 )

Motor[7].InvDmax= Motor[7].InvAmax

Motor[7].InvJmax= 1 / Mtr7MaxJerk


Best regards,


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