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Import of Beckhoff ESI XML-File for EL72xx fails


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On IDE V4.3.2.19 and also V4.2.0.19 I am trying to import ESI XML-File "Beckhoff EL72xx.xml". But it fails with EC-engineer error message:


ESI file 'Beckhoff EL72xx.xml' is invalid and can not be added: The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 127196, Position: 72)


The XML-file I've downloaded today from:



Importing an older XML-file from July 2017 does not fail.


I also send an inquiry to Beckhoff.


Regards, Anton

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After removing all 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' I succeded importing the ESI-File into IDE V4.3.2.19. Can I use this manipulated ESI-File without concern?


But including the EL7211-0010, which actually is a drive, as a drive in the motors topology view does not work. There it does not show up at all. Will I have to do it by hand (commissioning - advanced settings), or is there some easier way?!!

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I did inform Beckhoff on March, 12th - no reply so far.

Remark: Inporting the ESI-Zip into TwinCAT3 does not produce any error.

Still, I will insist once more...


Actually importing the whole ESI-Zip from Beckhoff (02/21/2020) produces a bunch of errors. Could this still be an issue of EC-Engineer/IDE, or not?!





ESI file 'Beckhoff AX8yxx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The element 'Profile' has invalid child element 'ScalingTable'. List of possible elements expected: 'VendorSpecific'. (Line: 5205, Position: 7)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EJ7xxx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 102116, Position: 72)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EL5xxx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 158703, Position: 51)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EL72xx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 127196, Position: 72)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EL73xx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 142194, Position: 72)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EL7xxx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 359738, Position: 72)


ESI file 'Beckhoff ELM31xx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 283221, Position: 72)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EP3xxx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 221684, Position: 42)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EP7xxx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 327728, Position: 72)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EPP3xxx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 87790, Position: 42)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EPP7xxx.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'SdoUploadWithMaxLength' attribute is not declared. (Line: 26247, Position: 72)


ESI file 'Beckhoff EtherCAT Terminals.xml' is invalid and can not be added:

The 'Physics' attribute is invalid - The value 'BB' is invalid according to its datatype 'PhysicsType' - The Pattern constraint failed. (Line: 173, Position: 12)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Eric!

Beckhoff does not confirm - they use their ESI in TwinCAT without any issues.


Besides, here a screen-shot which shows, that the Beckhoff dirve/motion terminal does not show for selection as EtherCAT slave drive in the motor topoloty:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've changed the drive terminal EL7211-0010 (MDP742) to an EL7211-0011 (DS402) by updating its EEPROM.

But still it does not show up in the motors topology as a drive-selection...


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