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Dual loop setup


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I have a stage with:

- DC Motor on channel 1.

- Linear incremental encoder on channel 1. (Position loop)

- Rotary incremental encoder shaft mounted on channel 2. (Velocity loop)


How I can do to setup the dual-loop control in GeoBrick LV for that stage. I couldn't find anything in the TurboPMAC user manual. Thanks

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I am assuming both encoders are quadrature. If not, the Geo Brick Drive Manual shows how to set up each encoder type.


First, set up the rest of the Motor 1 normally, then change Ixx03 and Ixx04. This is how to tell the motor to use the first two encoder table entries for position and velocity.

I103 = $003501
I104 = $003502


If Motor 2's output is on channels 3 and 4, the following is used. There is a table in the Software Reference Manual Entry for Ixx03 and Ixx04 with more addresses.

I203 = $003503
I204 = $003504


Then from the Software Reference Manual Entry on Ixx09.

If different sensors are used, Ixx09 should be set such that the ratio of Ixx09 to Ixx08 is inversely proportional to the ratio of the velocity sensor resolution (at the load) to the position sensor resolution. If the value computed this way for Ixx09 does not come to an integer, use the nearest integer value.
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