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Command("system gpascii -2 -i/win/MYSETUP.txt");


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By writing C language, using the "Command" command to read a configuration file, build and download it. I passed the query command, but the parameter was not assigned correctly.

Command("system gpascii -2 -i/win/MYSETUP.txt");

Is this statement wrong? Or is there an introduction document for the API function Command/system gpascii.

I need to customize some functions, and I hope the administrator can send me some documents about these introductions.


"WRITING C FUNCTIONS AND PROGRAMS IN POWER PMAC" is just an introduction, there is no introduction of functions and commands.

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The syntax you are using is for calling gpascii from a c program. If you are in a script plc it is simply System"gpascii -2 -i/var/ftp/whateverfile.txt"

gpascii is just a linux command that opens up a pmac terminal and can accept any PMAC command that can be typed into the terminal window in the IDE. the -2 switch tells it to use the project variable names such as those defined in Global Includes.

The -i is for opening a file and reading and interpreting its content. At the end of a successful load of the file you will get an EOF line, or if errors it will flag the error and line number.

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