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C source code for Motor Backup and Restore


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We have two current development threads going, a production one based on the 460 with fw and an arm project based on the latest FW. We have backward comparability issues with saved motor files due to all the new motor configuration variables added to the new firmware. I would like to get a copy of your internal C source for the restore motor so that I can add some firmware sensitivity to the restore process to suppress the inclusion of undefined configuration variables to the older firmware. IS this possible to get a copy?
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Any C-source code to current Omron software would be very difficult to administer to customers as this is considered highly confidential material. The probability of this being approved by Omron Legal is very low.


Having said that, the process would start with a request to your Omron distributor.

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Hello Jeff,


My suggestion would be to write a little parser program that can read each line from the "new" format of the config file and then only write it out to the destination file if it would be valid for the "old" firmware...

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