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Power PMAC IDE Can't Assign Ethercat PDO using Motor Setup (Sigriner Servo Drive)


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We test sigriner ethercat drive with CK3E. But IDE can't assign PDO to motor parameter using setup tool.

1. Scan is OK.


2. PDO Mapping is OK.


3. Motor Setup is Fail.



4. I try assign PDO manually. than It operate well.




! Other Drives was OK (Panasonic, Servotronix, etc...)

! Other Master(ACS) operating OK. (with Sigriner)

! I guess IDE have parsing problem about Sigriner's XML.

! I wonder IDE's parsing factor (ex : XML's Index, sub Index...)  

* Attach my XML (CDHD : assign ok, Sigriner : assign fail)

CDHD2_OnSys.xml step_an6_ethercat_v0_25_0.xml

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What happened when you right clicked the master to "Load Mapping to Power PMAC"--did anything come up in the "Output" window?

Can you also share the "ecmaster0.0.log" file? (Right click "Logs" folder of System Setup, select "Upload Log Files").

What Firmware and IDE version are you using?


We have seen errors when ESI files have special characters (such as the "degrees" symbol)--those answers may help us find the cause.

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Nothing when load mapping.

But show some message in "Message window". attach below.



And Below, ecmaster0.0.log (when ecat reset -> ecat mapping load -> ecat[0].enable = 1)

Run demo now with cycle time 1000 usec
000006 : Using Sleep
000006 : CPU number 1
000007 : Start Remote API Server now

000008 : ==========================
000008 : Initialize EtherCAT Master using EcMasterDemo Application
000008 : ==========================
000008 : ATEMDemo: ACONTIS cycle time 1000 usec
000008 : EC-Master V2.9.2.05 for Xenomai Copyright acontis technologies GmbH @ 2018
000010 : OsGetLinkLayerRegFunc: try to load '/opt/ppmac/libemllRTL8169.so'
000014 : OsGetLinkLayerRegFunc: dlopen returned error '/opt/ppmac/libemllRTL8169.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'
000014 : OsGetLinkLayerRegFunc: try to load 'libemllRTL8169.so'
000063 : PCI: device 0000:01:00.0 found
000076 : RTL8169LL: Chip 'RTL8168/RTL8111'
000107 : RTL8169LL: Found Realtek 8168E/8111E (Tested / Supported), HW-Rev 0x2c200000 / 0x2c200000
000107 : RTL8169LL: Register base at ......0x76F44000
000107 : RTL8169LL: TxDesc (NP) located at 0x68E8F400
000107 : RTL8169LL: TxBuf  (NP) located at 0x68E8F800
000107 : RTL8169LL: TxDesc (HP) located at 0x68EAF800
000107 : RTL8169LL: TxBuf  (HP) located at 0x68EAFC00
000107 : RTL8169LL: RxDesc located at .....0x68E4F000
000107 : RTL8169LL: RxBuf  located at .....0x68E4F400
000107 : EcMasterInit: ecatInitMaster() successful
000107 : EcMasterInit: ecatSetOemKey() successful
000108 : Current thread priority = 97
000109 : EcMasterDemo not ready yet

001269 : ecatConfigureMaster successful with  eCnfType_GenPreopENI
001269 : Configure DC/DCM master
001270 : EcatRegisterClient Info: oRegisterResults.dwPDInSize = 30, oRegisterResults.dwPDOutSize = 30
001343 : Bus scan successful - 2 slaves found
001382 : 1 identical messages skipped
001382 : ******************************************************************************
001382 : Slave ID............: 0x00000000
001382 : Bus Index...........: 0
001382 : Bus AutoInc Address.: 0x0000
001382 : Bus Station Address.: 0x0001 (   1)
001382 : Bus Alias Address...: 0x0000 (   0)
001382 : Vendor ID...........: 0x99998888 = ----
001382 : Product Code........: 0x00009254 = Unknown
001382 : Revision............: 0x00010000   Serial Number: 0
001382 : ESC Type............: Microchip (0xc0)  Revision: 3  Build: 0
001382 : Connection at Port A: yes (to 0x00010000)
001382 : Connection at Port 😧 no  (to 0xFFFFFFFF)
001382 : Connection at Port B: yes (to 0x00000001)
001382 : Connection at Port 😄 no  (to 0xFFFFFFFF)
001382 : Line Crossed........: no 
001382 : Cfg Station Address.: 0x0001 (   1)
001382 : ******************************************************************************
001382 : Slave ID............: 0x00000001
001382 : Bus Index...........: 1
001382 : Bus AutoInc Address.: 0xffff
001382 : Bus Station Address.: 0x0002 (   2)
001382 : Bus Alias Address...: 0x0000 (   0)
001382 : Vendor ID...........: 0x000002E1 = ----
001382 : Product Code........: 0x000002EC = Unknown
001382 : Revision............: 0x00029005   Serial Number: 0
001382 : ESC Type............: IPCORE (0x4)  Revision: 2  Build: 64
001382 : Connection at Port A: yes (to 0x00000000)
001382 : Connection at Port 😧 no  (to 0xFFFFFFFF)
001382 : Connection at Port B: no  (to 0xFFFFFFFF)
001382 : Connection at Port 😄 no  (to 0xFFFFFFFF)
001382 : Line Crossed........: no 
001382 : Cfg Station Address.: 0x0002 (   2)
001383 : EtherCAT network adapter MAC: 00-50-C2-4D-74-C0

001383 : =====================
001383 : Initial Start EtherCAT Master
001383 : =====================
001395 : Master state changed from <UNKNOWN> to <INIT>
001439 : Master state changed from <INIT> to <PREOP>
001440 : 1 identical messages skipped
001440 : GetEcMasterState(0) updated master state: 2

001440 : GetEcSlavesStatus(0) updated slaves status
028899 : PMAC related initializations Done
028899 : Get bus configuration file (eni.xml) from configuration folder
028899 : ATEMDemo: loading ENI file /var/ftp/usrflash/Project/Configuration/eni.xml
028911 : Master state changed from <PREOP> to <INIT>
028913 : Re-configuring EC-Master
028936 : ecatConfigureMaster successful with eni.xml file
028936 : ConfigureMaster done
028936 : Configure DC/DCM master is started with ENI
028936 : =====================
028936 : Start EtherCAT Master during Ecat[].Enable = 1
028936 : =====================
030856 : Ethercat license for 0 Drives on all masters verified successfully

034816 : EcMaster started in the OP mode successfully
034816 : EcMasterStart: Updated EcatMasterState(0): 8

My CK3E fw

Test IDE ( also tested)


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