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  1. This helps a lot thanks! Do you work for a company that paid for you to produce this? I'm wondering if we can use it without breaching intellectual property contracts and if you would be allowed to give us the source code for the library? My version of visual studio cannot interpret the comments but otherwise this works great.
  2. My company has been trying to solve the same problem but we were basically told to rewrite our HMI in C# instead. If you ever find a way to talk to the power pmac with C++ would you let me know?
  3. Is there a comprehensive list of the end of life for all delta tau products (and what is obsolete)? Specifically I would like to know about Turbo and its last few predecessors.
  4. Is there any way I can get the PowerPmacComLib documentation other than through visual studio? A word document or pdf or anything would help, the visual studio help section does not work and I just want to be able to see the documentation.
  5. I need to be able to tell what step/line in the program the PowerPMac is currently on, how do I do this? One of our requirements is that we can edit a program on the fly, so we need to be able to stop it, clear the buffer, load the new edited program, and then continue where we left off.
  6. Thanks but using C++ is a requirement as our software is already written in C++. I actually can easily use C# to communicate with the PowerPMAC using the library but my problem is specifically being able to communicate with it using C++ which cannot use PowerPMACComLib.
  7. My original plan was to use gpascii to send messages to the PowerPMAC, but now I realize that I would also need to listen to unsolicited responses as well. Is there a function to let you do that? If not, there is no reason for me to continue with this solution.
  8. Is there a file I can change to give root permission to log in? It has permission to log in when I do this by the command prompt but there must be something stopping me from doing it through my code. Even if I change a file, wont it be overwritten the next time I turn the PowerPMAC on?
  9. I turned it on this morning and now it will respond to my socket, so I'm back to getting it to let me log in. I'm not sure why it wouldn't let me before but for some reason it works now.
  10. I had added two new users but it wouldn't let me log into them. I log into the PowerPMAC all the time with username root and password deltatau on the command line but it still never worked programmatically. Now I can't get the IDE, command line telnet, ping or a Winsock to connect to it at all. All I did was turn the PowerPMAC off and then on again and now no connections can be made. Any idea why this might be? I was finally very close to a solution to being able to talk to the PowerPMAC from C++ code. PowerPMAC login is user:root pwd:deltatau To login to powerpmac pass this user/pwd from your telnet session. Are you trying to add new user ? Atul
  11. I am fresh to linux, how can I get through this issue of it not letting me through root? I tried using "adduser test1 -p test1" to add a new user but it responds with "Login incorrect" when I try to login with the created user.
  12. Ok, I'm at least able to get to a login prompt now. I looked at this post I found on google: http://www.director-online.com/buildArticle.php?id=907 I have no idea why it works, but basically when the PowerPMAC sends me one of these messages I can simply return that message back to it. When I do this about four times it asks me for my username and password. the root login doesn't seem to be working (says "Login incorrect") but I'm still looking into it so I'll post on this thread when I get it to work.
  13. I am receiving the data asynchronously. The response I am getting is the same every time I open a connection, "ÿý?ÿý ÿý#ÿý". I had tried to simply ignore the response and send it my username then password but it stops responding after it sends me this. Here are some VC++ examples maybe they will give you a clue. I would try one of them. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/937/Telnet-Console-Application http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/46/NT-Telnet-server-and-client http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/13071/Programming-Windows-TCP-Sockets-in-C-for-the-Begin http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1904/Beginning-Winsock-Programming-Simple-TCP-client In the earlier version of PowerPMAC IDE we were using Telnet protocol to communicate. I created the class in C# but I used C++ example to understand the protocol. I did not see any problem and was able to communicate. PowerPMAC "inetd", a telnet demon was responding properly. What kind of response you receive, garbage or some escape character? Are you receiving the data asynchronously? Thanks, Atul
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