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Alex Anikstein

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Everything posted by Alex Anikstein

  1. Yes, that is normal. The missing ICs correspond to options not on your board.
  2. Please email us at Support at DeltaTau dot com. There is a known firmware issue that may be causing this, so I would like to confirm what version you have and help accordingly. That said, to set up a system, you shouldn't really need to go through the Setup Variables window, you should be able to do everything you need with the Terminal or the System Setup tool.
  3. The Motor Feedback Type selection is asking what type of incremental/absolute encoder it is. For instance, Quadrature is one common type of incremental encoder, but is not the only one, so you would need to consult the data sheet for your encoder to see what protocol/type of incremental encoder it is. You may be able to guess from the pinout of the encoder, too (Sine and Cosine could be a Sinusoidal Encoder, while A and B channels may be Quadrature), though multiple protocols may use the same signal names, so this is not as reliable. For questions like these, we do strongly recommend attending our training course if it is possible, though I see from your other post that you are at least looking through the slides.
  4. Some users have experienced issues connecting their Turbo PMAC to a Windows 8.1 (and 10) system via USB, and instead seeing "ACC54E USB" in Device Manager. If you experience this issue: Download the attached .zip file Extract the contents of it onto a USB Flashdrive connected to your computer Right click the "ACC54E USB" in Device Manager and select "Update Driver Software" Select "Browse my computer for driver software" and select the flashdrive. Windows 8.1 should be able to see and properly load the drivers this way, and Device Manager should now show the PMAC under "Motion Controllers". Windows 8.1 Drivers.zip
  5. Download the attached .zip file and unzip it onto a flashdrive. Then, tell Windows to look at the flashdrive for drivers for the ACC54E. That should work and it will then show up in Devide Manager as "Delta Tau UMAC USB 2.0 Device" under "Motion Controllers".Windows 8.1 Drivers.zip
  6. That information is usually on a datasheet provided by the manufacturer of the servo motor or drive. If you input the information, you can then select "Add to Database" on the right side to add it to your database if you have that same motor in other locations.
  7. What version of the IDE are you using? In our previous patch, the SAVE command was failing, though this was just recently fixed with our most recent patch. Also, can you give us an example of one of the variables that is being reset?
  8. With no motors enabled, we can't be sure which motor is being looked at by the Tuning window. If the tuning window is looking at motor 2, but the web is looking at motor 1, then having different values between them isn't a problem. By default, I believe the tuning window should look at motor 1, but I do not know if that is always the case. If you activated a motor, then we would know that the tuning window is referring to that motor. Edit: Removed comment about Firmware, as corrected/contradicted by Steve Milici below.
  9. Some of the files that were posted yesterday did not get properly transferred to our servers, and so both the SplitZip and the regular .zip file appeared to be corrupted. This issue should now be resolved if you redownload the files from . Remember that you must uninstall your current version of the IDE before the new version can be installed.http://forums.deltatau.com/filedepot/ [FILE REMOVED]
  10. I know that I have seen it somewhere, but I can not find it now. I am sorry for how confusing it is. Let me try to explain it better. To find the address for any of the commands on page 479: 1. Find your motor address from the table on page 479 of the Turbo SRM. 2. Take the first 5 digits from the address. 3. Find the command you want in the list below. 4. Take the register (X, Y, or D) and the last digit from the command. I've attached 2 examples, one for Following Error for Motor 1 and another for Derivative Gain for Motor 6 to help explain this. I hope this helps!
  11. The table above the command list is meant to be used with the commands, with the "x" just being the stand-in for which motor register (when looking at the commands) or which command (when looking at the table). For instance, Motor 1's address is "$00009x", combined with the following error register "D:$000x91/11" yields a full register for Motor 1's following error as "D:$000091". In this case, it takes the 4th "0" and the "9" from the table to identify Motor 1 and the D register and 1 from the command to identify following error.
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