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Hello, Here is new PPMAC DEMO with Acc24e3 using Dac output,I know I have to set Gate3[0].Chan[0].OutputMode=3 if I want to output Dac,but why this paremeter can't be set to any other number except the default value zero. Who can tell me how to set the paremeter if I want to use Acc24e3 to output Dac? Thanks,
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In order to write to most DSPGATE3 saved setup elements, follow this procedure: [list=1] [*]Write a value of $AAAAAAAA to Sys.WpKey [*]Write the new desired value to the write-protected element [*]Now the ASIC automatically sets the value of Sys.WpKey to 0, to again write protect the DSPGATE3 saved setup elements [/list] So for the setup element you desire in this particular case, just write these lines in your terminal window or download them in global definitions.pmh: [code] Sys.WpKey = $AAAAAAAA; // Disable write protection Gate3[0].Chan[0].OutputMode = 3; // Write desired value [/code]
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