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Why jog command can't work while using Hold command?


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When my program is running,I send H command to CLIPPER,and the position of program stopped at the DWELL100000 position, then I send Jog+ command,but CLIPPER tell me "command not allowed while program exection".But stopping at other position works well.

But the software manual tell me that "Jogging moves are permitted while in feedhold mode (unlike in non-Turbo PMACs)".

Why? except dwell?[/i]


Here is my program.








While (1 > 0)


dwell 100000





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In the terminal,sent the H command.The time just guess,but let it stop the dwell position.And Isx13=10.By the way it works in lookahead mode.Isx20=10.


Because the DELAY has other progblem,"if DELAY comes after a blended move,

the TA deceleration time from the move occurs within the Delay time, not before it."

So I deside to use WHILE+DELAY instead of DWELL in the lookahead mode.

Like this if I want to stop 200ms but not use dwell200:





How about this way?



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Because in the lookahead mode you don't know how much time the last TA time is,so if you want to delay certain time you must know the TA time."if DELAY comes after a blended move,the TA deceleration time from the move occurs within the Delay time, not before it."

That's the problem.

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Do you really need an exact wait duration for your Delay command? It seems that all you really need to do is turn on a flag from within the motion program indicating that it is time to hold, and then have a PLC that is running detect the flag and issue the CMD"H" command. You can then jog freely. You could have the PLC issue CMD"R" when you are ready to resume the motion program, for example after the motor reaches its desired jog location.
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Any way,if you want to jog a motor when you hold a program at special command like dwell(goto\endwhile\ while),you can jog the motor throw handwheel channel,and setting Ix05 to a virtual axis channel feedback address,ix06=1.
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