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Does PPmac support Modbus now?


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Delta Tau does not have a ModBus package for PPmac yet. But we do have a customer who has taken an open source ModBus project from the internet and compiled it for PPmac and is successfully using it. We do not have the details of which package they used so I mention this only so you know there is the option of you doing something yourself.


We do have EtherCat working on PPmac so if you were thinking of ModBus IO you could consider EtherCat IO if the extra price is in your budget.

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Guest DavisG

Does PPmac support Modbus now? And any documents telling how to use that?


The attached project is an open source C app Modbus TCP api that supports Modbus Server. Be sure to read the Modbus TCP Service.txt - the setup on the linux side is shown there. The project derives from source code provided under a GNU license and written by Christian Walter. The website is:




Downloads of the current version of the FreeModbus base project (as well as a donations button) can be found at:




and documentation is at:





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