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How to home using ACC-51S with CLIPPER


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Please check the bits 11 and 12 of Ixx24 setting. The Turbo Software Reference Manual explains this in detail:


Bit 11: Capture with High-Resolution Feedback Bit: If bit 11 is set to zero when hardware position capture is used in a triggered move such as a homing-search move, the captured data (whether wholecount only or including sub-count data) is processed to match servo feedback of normal resolution (five bits of fractional count data per hardware whole count). This setting is appropriate for digital quadrature

feedback or for low-resolution interpolation of a sinusoidal encoder.

If bit 11 (value $800, or 2,048) is set to one when hardware position capture is used in a triggered move, the captured data (whether whole-count only or including sub-count data) is processed to match servo feedback of high resolution (10 bits of fractional count data per hardware whole count). This setting is appropriate for high-resolution interpolation of a sinusoidal encoder through an Acc-51x interpolator.


Bit 12: Sub-Count Capture Enable Bit: If bit 12 is set to zero when hardware position capture is used in a triggered move such as a homing-search move, only the whole-count captured position register is used to establish the trigger position. This setting must be used with PMAC-style Servo ICs, and with PMAC2-style Servo ICs older than Revision D (Revision D ICs started shipping in early 2002).

If bit 12 (value $1000, or 4,096) is set to one when hardware position capture is used in a triggered move, both the whole-count captured position register and the estimated sub-count position register are used to establish the trigger position. A PMAC2-style Servo IC of Revision “D” or newer must be used for this mode, and I7mn9 for the channel used must be set to 1 to enable the hardware sub-count estimation. This setting is typically used for registration or probing triggered moves with interpolated sinusoidal encoder feedback. (Even with interpolated sinusoidal encoder feedback, homing search moves will probably be done without sub-count captured data, to force a home position referenced to one of the four zerocrossing positions of the sine/cosine signals.)

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