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  1. We are seeing the error as well in and the latest PowerPMACIDE. We do not use cutter-comp-radius. We only have real-time PLCs enabled and gantry following/skew correction enabled. Please let us know of any updates to solve this? Currently, we just slowed down the Servo/EtherCAT Clock rates to see if this reduces the occurrence.
  2. I know this old but just for any one using this info, Hiperface needs firmware implementation but is not going to get it.
  3. Hi, Just wondering the best way to clear an axis handwheel offset if setting the input to the master to zero didn't work. Usual Method (axis 3): We override a motion path by enabling master following I306=3 and then inputting an offset into the address defined by I305. (This goes through an exponential filter in ECT). To clear the offset we usually set the offset input to 0 which moves M367 back to 0. Problems (crash): There are times that setting the input to the filter to 0 doesn't totally clear M367. Therefore the present master position has an offset. What is the best way to get rid of the offset in M367? I tried to turn off following I306=0, then #3PMATCH, then write M367=0 which caused the axis move very fast but it clears it. I won't to avoid this rapid movement but totally clear the present master position. What is the recommended approach. Thanks Matt Thanks Matt
  4. Got it back on the line using a MACSTA0 to initiate ASCII communication and then issuing a $$$***
  5. Hi I have a GeoMACRO Drive connected to a GEOBRICK as the MACRO Master. Everything was working fine and MACRO was setup and communicating. After using an MS4,MI996 to a value of $F4037 (It was $F4030 before when working) and saving and resetting, I cannot access it the drive through MACRO anymore. Using the MACRO ASCII setup does not see the drive. Starting right from a $$$*** and using MACRO ASCII setup in PEWIN32PRO2 fails to see the drive. I have a 24M2A and a 65M which can be communicated with but the GEOMACRO drive will not. The green MACRO light is illuminated and no errors are present but no ASCII communication available. 1. Can I reset it to factory defaults some how? 2. Can I access the I variables on the drive using the USB port on the front? I can open the port but how is it supposed to work? Straight terminal commands (if so I got no response) or PEWIN32PRO2? Thanks Matt
  6. I had the exact same error using Windows Embedded Standard 8 (WES8) x86 with Turbo Clipper and Geobrick both using ethernet. Enabling Multihost fixed the problem. Thanks!
  7. Hi, I have a phantom axis that will generate a sinusoidal oscillating pattern. I want my real x, y axis to travel along a motion path but then be overridden by the phantom axis to weave along that motion path. The motion path will be the center line of the oscillation. What is the easiest way to calculate the perpendicular vector to my direction of travel? Is there anything built in for this or do I basically have to 1. Use the target position (Mx63) and my current position (Mx62) and calculate the perpendicular vector for both X and Y and use this to figure out my override component for each axis? Matt
  8. If we get a faster CPU in the GEOBrick would this allow us to operate at a higher PWM frequency? What determines this? What documentation should I be looking at?
  9. GBL8-C0-882-19D00050 with TSO
  10. Hi, Trying to increase my PWM Frequency for a system that has a geobrick, ACC24M-2A, ACC65M and 2xACC85M Everything work fine using 8Khz Servo, 16 Khz Phase, 8Khz PWM clock settings from the settings suggested in the manual for the ACC85M. My problem is that I have a DC motor on axis 8 of the geobrick with a small time constant and need to run the PWM > 30Khz. I used the MACRO Controller excel sheet and the PMAC2 clock calculator and use the attached settings for I6800/I7000/I7100, I6801/I7001/I7101 and I6802/I7002/I7102 and all other settings in the excel sheet. Each time I download the settings and reset the controller X:$6 bit 7 comes on Servo/Macro IC config. error. Any ideas? Thanks MACRO Settings.pdf
  11. This was resolved with the following solution: Establish MACRO ASCII communication with the ACC-24M2A (e.g. issue MACSTA2 in the terminal window if MI11=2 assuming that your ACC-65M is station #1), and download the following: I996=$FC040 ; Enable Node 6 MM1->Y:$C092,0,24,S ; Local DACA Register MM2->X:$C0A8,0,24,S ; MACRO Node 6 Reg 1 Address MP1=0 Open MACPLCC Clear MM1=MM2 ; Write MM2 to DAC output MP1=MP1+1 ; Debugging Close Issue CTRL^T to exit ASCII mode. On the Ring controller (Geo Brick Drive) side: I6841 = I6841&$40 ; Force Enable I/O Node 6 M1->X:$78428,0,24,S ; Ring Controller I/O node 6 Register 1 MS6,MI15=1 ; Enable MACRO Station PLC (need to initialize every power up or reset) The DAC output data is in the upper 16 bits, so writing (from the ring controller) to M1 should result in the following: M1 = 32767 * 256 ; +10V M1 = -32767 * 256 ; -10V This can be written in the RTI so I was able to get the performance I needed. Thanks Richard
  12. Yeah, it does not seem to be fast enough. We would like to be able to pulse that analog output at 20Hz accurately. Therefore I probably need an update rate of 1msec which I can obtain easily with PLC0. With my current setup the background PLCs are only being executed every 25-30ms. I also tried using the analog output off the ACC65M I have on the system but the slew between 2 set points is too slow for our application. We were measuring this to be about 3ms where we need 0.2-0.4ms. Ideally the analog output off the ACC24M-2A is fine but I need to be able to update it in PLC0 Any other ideas? Matt
  13. Hi Sina, Can you call the MACRO SLAVE WRITE command inside PLC0? MSW3,MI932,P905 Thanks Matt
  14. Thanks Sina, 1. My problem with this is that I am using a Geobrick with 8 ACC85Ms. Therefore I have 1 MACRO IC which can only control 8 Servo nodes but we wanted to use the DAC output from the ACC24M2A and we don't have any servo nodes available. Also, we need to enable 4 of the IO nodes on the ACC85Ms and we have a ACC65M on the ring. Therefore we only have 1 IO node left for the ACC24M2A. My current solution is that I have the ACC24M2A bound to Node 3 I6841=$FC008 MS3,MI996=$F4008 I70=$0 - Disable Aux Flags I tried pointing M5000->X:$079424,8,16,S M5001->X:$079425,8,16,S M5002->X:$079426,8,16,S M5003->X:$079427,8,16,S None of these control the DAC output so something is not lining up, but if I write directly to MS3,MI932=value, this seems to work. I am about to connect everything together so I do not know if assigning the ACC24M2A to node 3 will mess up communication down stream. 2. My problem for the ACC85M setup was that I was using only the ACC85M manual and not looking at the Geobrick MACRO setup. The problem here seemed to be not setting up I6800=I7000=I7100 and having I19=7007 so the master clock was SERVO IC0 and I6800 was not a multiple of it. Setting all the clocks the same and setting I19=6807 fixed my problems. MAtt
  15. Hi, We are using a ACC24M2A as 4 analog output channels through MACRO communication. We currently putting together a system that is using 8 ACC85M modules, 1 ACC65M and 1 ACC24M2A and the MACRO master is a Geobrick controller. I just realized a problem. 1. MACRO ring can only support 8 servos nodes. Can ACC24M2A be used as an IO node if I am only using the DACs as an analog output and don't care about the encoders,flags. Would I need to do anything special to set this up? 2. If not, is there an io option for precise analog outputs? [side note] 3. Why do I keep getting AEE0 error on the Yaskaws/ACC85M display. I have tried multiple different setups and they all end in this communication error between the yaskawa servopak and the acc85m module. Looking at the MACRO Status, the amp init fault bit is on, the node requested shutdown due to fault bit is on. Last attempt was with everything reset and only the Geobrick and 1 ACC85M attached and set it up with the 2kHz/10kHz default clock settings ThanksMatt
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