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Mr P Mac

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  1. Hi wlewis my insiders at DLS tell me that with i35=0 you can manually toggle the abort bit at y:$6 bit 0. you can read the bit in the gloal status word. when i35 is set to 1 toggling the input toggles the state of the abort bit when i35 is set to 0 input changes are not recorded in the global status word, but as above you can manually force the bit with say an m variable sunbstitution a suitable sequence might be ( if hitting a switch has caused the input to break) set I35 = 0 ; set M(abort) = 0 ; drive away from the switch; reset i35=1
  2. Mr P Mac

    PE problem

    Thanks My watch window thread delay period is 100. PEWIN32PRO2 said that is the minimum value. I don't think the problem is the value of thread delay period. I think the motion program after compiling,the containt has changed. Hi, try adding dwell0 after each lines 4,5,6, it will act as a delimiter and compile differently. Mr p mac
  3. Mr P Mac

    PE problem

    Hi, What is the "thread delay period" on the watch window? (Right-click in watch window, select lowest number) ((You could also prove this by adding Dwells after lines 4,5,6)) Mr P Mac.
  4. Hi smlearner, What product have you got? It should be in the SRM manual for your model product... I don't think you *need* the Excecutive Pro Suite (You could use a terminal program) but the Executive Suite can really aid fault finding. http://www.deltatau.com/Common/technotes/G-Code%20Processing%20Example.pdf Cheers
  5. Hi wangotang, do you have the IC chips all the same? (And jumpers set accordingly) We had a fault on one output, and it made the whole bank of 8 faulty. Cheers
  6. Hi cmparker, at our facility we have hundreds of closedloop stepper axes, tuned and working ok. Over the time we have seen lots of different faults occur that can exhibit as you have described, so here are some extras to consider: Stepper motor missing a leg of a phase - can make the motor go the wrong way and move by itself via preload. Phase short to ground - if not "short enough" to trip the GB, can result in a weak motion in one direction. Vacuum or preload forces? - can force a motor the wrong way/move by itself. One leg of the encoder feedback missing - if you lose one "wire" of a quadrature signal some magical things can happen. (Including noise on the signal). Noise on the encoder - resulting in a "Phantom" following error which the axis tries to compensate for. Cumulative Following error at the end of the move, j/ and then it tries to "unwrap" the FE on the next move. Too much Intergral ixx33, can cause to motor to slowly wind one way then the other. Phase offset is set or poorly balanced - what are your ixx29 ixx79? these can add offset to the motor phases to balance the current in each phase. If you have a pair of current clamps you can play with this, or feel the motor shaft for equal torque in each direction. Amp configuration changing; use a plc to ensure stepper configuration has not changed to DC servo. Minus sign in front of ixx22, will send the motor the wrong way through the limits! Hope this might help... Cheers
  7. Can you write to Mxx30? Or does it stay latched?
  8. Hi Chris, does looking at Mxx62 help? (It is *32) It keeps counting but not sure if it rolls over eventually. P
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