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Posts posted by dzrong

  1. Because my customer want to go through a serail points in his machine,if using LINEAR with LOOKAHEAD,the "way-points" maybe not the desired POINT,because don't hope stop at any where and Blend is open and the speed should be as fast as possible.

    Like the LineartoPVT in Power PMAC.

  2. Hello Everyone:


    What's a good idear to caculate the time for SPLINE2? Especially for limitting the max velocity or max acceleration,like the lookahead do.



  3. Hello Everyone,


    I want to use the Encoder-Loss Detection function of UMAC,and the base Address of ACC-24E2A is $78200,as the USER MANUAL talk the address of the first channel Encoder-Loss bit should be Y:$78F08,5 , and i removed the RP22 and RP24 for the hardware to check the singnal,but the Encoder-Loss bit always be 1 even if i remove the Connector TB1,it should be zero when i removed the Connector TB1.

    What's the possble reason maybe?



  4. No.However, you can use ACC-84E with Yaskawa option which supports Sigma II/III/V encoder feedback protocol.


    As far as i know,ACC-84E can read the abs position from the Motor's encode directly,but if when use the Yaskawa Motor with the Yaskawa Driver together,is't poseble to using the ACC-84E to read the position from the motor's encoder?What i worried is the SDI and SDO singnal was input/output,if only output from the encoder will be OK,but need to input,the driver and ACC-84E will fight each other.

  5. Hello Everyone,

    Is't posible to call CfromScript() function like this way in forward and inverse program?So i can change the CfromScript when program is running.


    0 0 0 0 0 nan 0 0

    Why i can't get the Motor6 position when using CfromScript() like this?


    // Define the same state values as defined in usrcode.c
    #define Forward_Kinematics_State 0
    #define Inverse_Kinematics_State 1
    #define KinematicsType1 1
    #define KinematicsType2 2
    // Define storage flags for the error code returns
    csglobal ForwardKin1ErrCode,ForwardKin2ErrCode,InvKin1ErrCode,InvKin2ErrCode;
    open forward (1)
    if(p1000 == 1) 
    ForwardKin1ErrCode = CfromScript(1,Forward_Kinematics_State,KinematicsType2,0,0,0,0);
    else //
    ForwardKin1ErrCode = CfromScript(1,Forward_Kinematics_State,KinematicsType1,0,0,0,0);




  6. Hello Everyone,


    There is a Update in the V1.4 Firmware talking in the Power PMAC Software Reference Manual, it's "Fixed error trapping of invalid system commands by gpascii utility".

    What's problem will be cause by this error if using V1.3 Firmware?

    If new communication can't be established by GPASCII command,and tell you "Gpascii input/output error",is't possible cause by this error?



  7. You have to either use a serial cable to get connected to Power PMAC at 115200 Baud rate change your /opt/etc/network/interfaces file or You have to disconnect the flash daughter card and connect it to a linux OS using USB connector available on the memory card and modify the /opt/etc/network/interfaces file.
  8. OK, used the mount command, i can change the interfaces file ,but after power cycle,PPmac can't be connected at all,and the firmware is ,the way using a USB memory stick or SD Card can be supported,so how can i connect to the PPmac again? This is my interfaces file: auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway iface eth1 inet static address netmask gateway auto eth0 auto eth1 Thanks
  9. Hello Sina, The firmwear of PPmac i'm using is,and i can't update it to higher version because some reason,and it seems the old version doesn't support the "PowerPmacIP folder" function.So i think i have to change this file directly. My question is how to change the /opt/etc/network/interfaces file.Why i can't change the read-only property of the file? Thanks
  10. Hello,

    Why the Step Size can't be decimal fraction in the Tune softwear? Is thers a way to make it work with decimal fraction? Such as 0.1 or 0.01. Because the user unit can be a littile big some times.



  11. Hello Sina,


    I want to use the PowerPmacIP folder,and i made the interfaces file(no expand name) in it,and copy the folder in my SD card,and plug it in the PPMAC,and recycle it,but i found that PPmac don't use the configuration in the file,the IP address is still.The contant of the interfaces file is:


    auto lo

    iface lo inet loopback


    iface eth0 inet static





    auto eth0


    auto lo

    iface lo inet loopback


    iface eth1 inet static





    auto eth1


    So can you tell me how can i make it works? And if possble, i want to make the second ethernet port work also.My PPmac firmwear is





  12. OK,1000 blocks/sec,that's great!

    But what kind of communication can do so fast? Is't USB? Does Ethernet Can do so fast? And what's about PCI or ISA,how much blocks they can reach? I mean if i had make the feedrate at 400% or more higher.






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