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Eric Hotchkiss

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Everything posted by Eric Hotchkiss

  1. Are you sure that P5301 remains the same value the entire time the program is running? I could see lookahead reading the value before it was changed pretty easily. I would suggest plotting P5301 in the IDE while the program is running. Does the N19 move reach a max speed of 0.5 mm/s as expected in the good case? Is the list response the same in the good and bad case? What can you do to get past this issue? Can you edit and then reboot the system?
  2. How default is this NC 16 setup? Have you enabled any NC 16 specific features?
  3. Can you share the response from your messages window after the test and set fails?
  4. After sending the program to PMAC through the IDE you should be able to see it's program number in the task manager (see attachment). Please issue "list prog [number]" in the IDE terminal and share the result (or the relevant part if it's too long). I want to see what PMAC is actually trying to run.
  5. I know we have recently made major changes to the serial encoder setup wizard. It may be a good idea to update to IDE https://automation.omron.com/en/us/products/family/PMAC%20IDE Use the "Power PMAC IDE Download" link near the top. You may experience issues with IDE crashing on docking IDE windows depending on microsoft windows updates. It would be best to avoid docking windows for now. Let's not worry about Tuning yet, the motor is not being phased correctly so it is not controllable.
  6. Following the instructions in the pop-up should fix the problem.
  7. My hunch is that [#301] is referencing an old value. I'm not sure how to "refresh" it.
  8. What version of the IDE are you using? Can you show a screenshot of your serial encoder settings like in the attached imaged? I'd like to try and confirm Motor[x].AbsPhaseOffset is set correctly by our wizard.
  9. This is not possible with just the PENWIN32PRO2 Software. The easiest way would be to use it with a Turbo PMAC CPU and set up virtual motors with all the same speed/accel limit settings. Then you could run the program on the virtual system.
  10. When you build and download you should see any errors in the output window. Please copy that text or take a screenshot.
  11. What is the background of this system? Was it previously working reliably? Did something change? Following error is how much difference there is between desired and encoder position. Your PMAC has settings for fatal and warning following error limits (IXX11 and IXX12). If the fatal following error limit is exceeded the motor will be killed. The warning following error limit is only used for a status bit. (It can be used for hard stop homing.) Are there any circumstances where you can jog motor 3? It may be failing to phase due to bad settings or physically hitting an obstacle. If the motor does not phase successfully it will not be controllable. I would take a look at IXX73, IXX74, and IXX80. You may find the training presentation here useful. ).pdfhttp://forums.deltatau.com/filedepot/download.php?f=Turbo%20PMAC/Training%20Documents/Turbo%20PMAC%20Training/Training%20Presentation/Turbo%20PMAC%20Training%20(Sept%202015 [FILE REMOVED]
  12. I don't quite understand why you were trying to load the plc or pmc files that way. Normally these files would be included in an IDE Project and downloaded to the PMAC that way, which is more capable. Adding more this way is usually only done as a workaround to prevent having to use the IDE for small changes. The PDK is just meant for making the HMI side as I understand it. You asked about gpascii. This is explained in more detail if you issue "gpascii --h" through putty. I've included the response below. The PDK should only be required for development.
  13. It would help to see the errors. It may be that your project has conflicting PLC names and numbers. If a named PLC is downloaded before a numbered PLC, it may take that number and cause an error. All the files in the "PLC Programs" folder are downloaded in the order they are displayed. This used to be alphabetic, but in newer versions of the IDE the user can move files up and down to change the download order. To do so, select the file and right click to see "move up" and "move down" with shortcuts like in the attachment. If the first file download contains "OPEN PLC 1" and the second contains "OPEN PLC InitializePlc", then InitializePlc with be PLC 2. If the first file downloaded contains "OPEN PLC InitializePlc" nd the second contains "OPEN PLC 1", you will get an error because the number is already taken by that point in the dowload.
  14. I believe the main issue was in the other thread that is now deleted. I just answered this one first because I thought it was a build and download issue. For not being able to connect from NC 16... This is a known issue. The FunctionPlc has a timer that is too short. Open the "ppnc_function.plc" within the IDE project. I am attaching a screenshot. Scroll down to the first if statement. It should look like the code box below. // -------------------- Handshake GUI Initialize Bit - Login -------------- if (CommandReg == UI_Initialize) { CommandReg = UI_None // Send Initialized Handshake - Dwell 100 msec for slower PC's call timer(0.1) send1 "Initialized" } Change the timer to 1 to 2 seconds. You will have to $$$***, SAVE, $$$, Build and Download, SAVE, $$$ and reconnect with the NC software after making this change.
  15. You are entering the version of the command meant for the IDE terminal. For PUTTY, try this. gpascii -i{/path/File.plc}
  16. Did you see these errors on build and download?
  17. I am having trouble replicating the issue. Are you sure there aren't other settings somewhere in the project? 100 does not sound like a default value. You can try to CTRL+F and search the whole project or solution for the setting.
  18. Please email ODT-Support@omron.com with this request.
  19. Please email ODT-Support@omron.com with this request.
  20. I am a bit confused. What behavior are you looking for? Motor 8 being killed while the rest continue? Was Motor 8 always in coordinate system 1? What behavior did you get from "3)"?
  21. It looks like you will have to image the CPU. In the IDE go to "Delta Tau" -> "Device Imaging" and there are instructions to follow depending on your form factor. You will need the image file for your correct CPU type. Please request it from your local Omron support/sales channel.
  22. Sorry, I previously posted a link to an internal location. Here in the Application Note I mentioned.Core Utilization on Power PMAC’s 465 CPU.pdf
  23. We apologize. We are working on the website migration and fixing this issue, but it may help if you also reach out to your local Omron sales/support channel.
  24. The modular CK3M might be a good choice and it has the newer ARM CPU. I am not quite sure how many axis or IO cards you would need. http://www.ia.omron.com/products/family/3725/lineup.html There is also the Power Clipper. It's board level. It has a Power PC CPU. http://forums.deltatau.com/filedepot/download.php?f=Power%20PMAC/Manuals/Hardware%20Reference%20Manual/Power%20Clipper%20Drive%20Users.pdf [FILE REMOVED] How many axes of motion are you trying to control? Would an Integrated Amplifier be helpful?
  25. This would require significant changes to the 24E3 that are not possible.
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