Recently, I came up against this problem too, where power umac and ecc24e3 are used on an laser marking system.
That is:
1). if motor starts in between compA and compB, gate3[0].chan[0].equ toggles only when motor ran toward positive direction, not in negative.
2). if gate3[0].chan[0].equwrite=1 is set after compA/compB setting action, as is said in user manual, next auto-incrementing will be disabled. But I found only when motor current position is less than compA and compB, EQU function works well, but if motor current position is bigger than compA and compB, gate3[0].chan[0].equ won't toggle on first compare position.
3). if no gate3[0].chan[0].equwrite setting is done after compA/compB setting action, as is said in user manual, auto-incrementing will be enabled automatically. But I found if motor current position is less than compA and compB, gate3[0].chan[0].equ still toggled at the first compare event, but if motor position is bigger than them , it worked well, that is skipping first toggling action.
As Charles said above, it's a bug and "will" fixed on "next" version. So, could you please tell me from which version has this bug been fixed? Can I fix it if you send me a patch?