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Alex Anikstein

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Everything posted by Alex Anikstein

  1. The ACC-24S3 is 3-4050000-000-000000 for the standard configuration or 3-4050000-000-010000 with 4 Analog Input and 1 Filtered PWM Output.
  2. Can you post a screen shot of the IDE after issuing the home command? Preferably showing the Position Watch Window, the Terminal Window, and the Motor Status Window.
  3. Do you mean that running the tests in System Setup (in the Test and Commission the Motor section) cause your motor to behave dangerously, or are you saying that just opening System Setup causes them to act up?
  4. After you compile and download your project, did you issue the SAVE command? If you do not, then it will not store your project. Also, are you sure that the Power Brick Controller is getting reset, and it is not just the System Setup Window? When you first open System Setup, it reads some parameters from the PMAC (hardware ID, clock information, and EtherCAT licenses, for instance). However, the rest of the information (Motor/Amplifier information configuration) it takes from a database entry on the computer. If you set up the PMAC with System Setup and then click File -> New -> Setup, your System Setup window will reset, though the PMAC will still have the settings.
  5. That note describes the relationship between the kdi terms and the dc gain, but it is not the only parameter that goes into the proposed Kp; reading it with the equivalent note from Motor[x].Servo.Kci paints the fuller picture. The DC gain is equal to 1 plus all of the kci coefficients divided by the sum of 1 plus all of the kdi coefficients. Despite all of the terms appearing on the same page, the manual seems to distinguish between the Kci and Kdi terms as being two distinct filters. In this case: (1 + Motor[x].Servo.Kc1) / (1 + Motor[x].Servo.Kd1) = 2/0.27151... = 7.366, and 1 / 7.366 = 1.35755.
  6. The power on/off procedure is generally going to be amplifier specific and depends on what features it has and how logic and bus are powered. The main rules we have are: 1) Never allow the amplifier bus to be powered when the logic is not. If they are two separate connectors, always make sure that the logic connector is connected first and disconnected last, and do not just reset/power cycle the amplifier by pulling out the logic power connector while the bus power is still applied. 2) Never quickly cycle bus power. The amount of time that you must wait between removing and re-applying bus power varies from one amplifier to the next, but there will be a recommended time usually stated in the manuals. As an example, I believe five minutes would be sufficient on any of our amplifiers, but do not just use this as a fact for your specific hardware, always check the manual to confirm the recommended minimum time for that exact hardware. 3) Do not enable an amplifier as soon as bus is applied. The delay required is usually less than a second (and should also be in the manual), but trying to enable the motor at the exact instant that bus power is applied can damage hardware depending on the specific timing of some signals/voltages. 4) If you are using a larger and older amplifier, do not try to do a harsh deceleration (such as a quick closed-loop stop or reversal of derection) and then remove bus power during the deceleration. This is rarely an issue, shouldn't come into play for any of our UMAC amplifiers, and often can be minimized or negated by using a shunt resistor which should be available for any amplifier that could face this problem, but if I want to be complete, it should be noted. Assuming you are using one of our UMAC-based amplifiers, I do not believe we have any with external bus/logic connections, instead all being powered off of the backplane. Similarly, the CPU would take long enough to boot that any concerns about enabling the amplifier too quickly should be moot in that case (unless they are in different racks/have different power supplies). As such, the only real concern is that you should not remove the AC power and then quickly replace it into the UMAC rack without waiting some amount of time determined by the manual for that amplifier. A generalized procedure would look something like: Power ON: 0) If the amplifier recently had its bus power disconnected, wait for it to fully discharge before attempting to power it back on. If the CPU is not powered, apply logic power and allow it to boot. 1) With bus power disconnected, apply logic power to the amplifier. 2) If applicable, issue any reset or configuration commands to the amplifier. 3) Apply bus power to the amplifier, then wait some amount of time for it to energize and reach equilibrium. 4) Enable amplifier. Power OFF: 0) Stop motors, or make sure they are at least not rapidly accelerating/decelerating. This may not be critical depending on the size of the amplifier/motors. 1) Disconnect bus power and kill the motors if they had previously been enabled. 2) Wait for the amplifier to discharge. 3) Disconnect logic power. (Again, I've probably said it about 10 times already, but to stress--consult the manual for your specific amplifier for the specific details)
  7. When you say "Power PMAC", are you referring to a UMAC? The main concern with Power On/Off is that the amplifier in the Power Brick series is never powered or used before the logic is online and that the soft start circuitry has time to complete its tasks. For just a Power PMAC CPU, this is not a concern, since there is no "amplifier/bus power".
  8. It's the exact same project, just build and download on one versus the other? Would you be able to send a copy of the project (.zipped, with the extension renamed to .zzz) to support at deltatau dot com so we can take a look at it? Also, can you check the firmware version (VERS command) for both units?
  9. The compiler most likely did not extract properly. If you close the IDE and go to: C:\DeltaTau\Power PMAC IDE\compilers\opt You will most likely see a folder named "powerpc-465-rootfs". If so, please rename it to "OLD powerpc-465-rootfs" instead. When you re-open the IDE and attempt to connect to the Clipper, it will re-extract the compiler--this may take a few minutes, but once it finishes, it will say that it succeeded. After that, please try to build and download again, it should work.
  10. Just to make sure, you are trying to communicate at the default IP Address ( To verify the IP Address of the 465 CPU, can you take an empty flash drive, create an empty folder on it named "PowerPmacIP", insert it into the 465 CPU while it is powered off, and then power the unit on? Once the unit has fully powered on, it will create some files in there. Please take the file "interfaces" (no extension), rename it "interfaces.zzz" (with ".zzz" as the extension), and email it to support at deltatau dot com.
  11. In case that doesn't fix it, what product/CPU type are you using?
  12. For now, please download it from this page instead: http://www.deltatau.com/DT_Products/SoftwareDetails.aspx?CatID=500-POWER%20PMAC%20IDE Or directly from this link: http://www.deltatau.com//Common/support/downloads/PowerPMACIDE_2_2_0_39.zip
  13. The Power Brick LV manual was updated around December 2016.
  14. The Power Brick AC manual was updated around December 2016.
  15. UserAlgo.BgCplc[i] will be set to 1 if C PLC i is enabled and 0 if it is disabled. UserAlgo.RtiCplc will determine if the foreground C PLC is enabled. Edit: This works for C PLCs, not for C Applications--I misread.
  16. Terry, I believe the exact part number that we use is 3M's 10250-1210PE. Two mating connectors would be 10150-3000PE (Shielded Solder Cup) and 10150-6000EC (Shielded IDC).
  17. Windell, Please send an email for this to Support at Delta Tau dot Com and I'd be happy to explain there.
  18. To restore a Power PMAC to factory default via USB, create a folder named "PowerPmacFactoryReset" in the root directory of the flashdrive, insert it into a (powered off) PPMAC, and then turn the PPMAC on. Once it has fully booted, remove the flashdrive. For a Power Clipper, it should be fully booted once LED D10 is green and D15 is amber. This should be equivalent to issuing a "$$$***" on the unit. Given that you can't communicate via Ethernet, two other possibilities would be that the communication firmware needs to be reloaded or the interfaces file on the PPMAC was altered. If you would like and the previous steps do not work, repeat the same process, but this time naming the folder "PowerPmacIP". When you look at the flashdrive after the Clipper fully booted, there should be 2 files inside of the folder--"boot.log" and "interfaces". Send those files to support at deltatau dot com and we may be able to see if there's something wrong in the interfaces file itself. To see a full list of the folders you can use on a flashdrive plugged into a Power PMAC, feel free to look at this thread: http://forums.deltatau.com/showthread.php?tid=572
  19. This problem is caused by attempting to uninstall the IDE on a system that has Windows Update KB3124262. This update prevents the system from cleanly uninstalling, and as such, when the installer is re-run, it believes that components exist when they do not. If you experience issues installing the IDE, please run "vs_shell.msi", generally located at: C:\DeltaTau\Power PMAC IDE\VS\vs_shell.msi and then attempt to re-run the installer. This will be fixed in the next IDE release.
  20. That chapter is in the "Power PMAC Users Manual", not any particular hardware User Manual. The name has changed a bit (It is now "Making your Power PMAC Application Safe"), but it begins on p. 388 of the most recent version. http://forums.deltatau.com/filedepot/download.php?f=Power%20PMAC/Manuals/Power%20PMAC%20Users%20Manual.pdf [FILE REMOVED]
  21. When you go to Delta Tau -> View -> Terminal, does anything happen? I assume the gray box on the left side is supposed to be the terminal window, so do you get a new, floating grey box? I may be misunderstanding the setup, but on any installation did you ever try opening the IDE with "No Device" before trying to use the IP Address for the VM, and if so, did it behave the same?
  22. Yes. The key is that it uses the commanded velocity as if it were measured velocity coming from an external sensor.
  23. As of now, there is a known issue when attempting to reinstall the Power PMAC IDE on Windows 10. At some point in the installation, it will end with the error message "Unable to create directory: '\ProjectTemplates\PowerPmac'." Our software team is currently testing methods to find a suitable workaround and ultimately the installation itself so that it can properly install. We will keep updating this post as we dig deeper. If you have a Windows 7 or 8 computer, we strongly recommend installing the IDE before upgrading the computer to Windows 10. In our testing, we found that the IDE works properly after upgrading if it was previously installed, though it may need to be repaired or updated to a newer patch.
  24. By default, the font used by the Tune window is either not included or not supported in some foreign language versions of Windows, such as the Chinese Language version. Because of this, Windows uses a different default font which is wider than ours would have been. In previous versions of Windows, a workaround could have been to manually change the default font or size used by Windows through a drop-down menu. In Windows 8, this is much more involved; you would need to manually change the registry. This still may work, but Delta Tau does not recommend manually altering your Windows registry. For now, we are aware of the problem and are looking into what possible solutions are. One possible, though not ideal, solution would be to use the main IDE Window alongside the Tune Window and view the parameters in the Watch Window and/or change the parameters through the Terminal Window.
  25. Can you use the scroll bars to see all of the elements? I'm not sure what you mean by the line "Edit Input". Also, what version of the IDE are you using and what Operating System version are you using?
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