Code Reading
206 topics in this forum
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the cable lengths fior the HS-1 are: USB: 7’ 10” (2.4m) RS232: 6’ 10” (2.1m)
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
The part number consists of 12 numerical characters: Family 7 - assigned to the MicroHawk family Model.- 2 – ID-20 / MV-20 3 – ID-30 / MV-40 4 – ID-40 / MV-40 fixed value 1 - Always Sensor type (resolution) 1 – WVGA = 0.34 MPIXEL 2 – SXGA = 1.2 MPIXEL 3 – QSXGA = 5 MPIXEL Optic 1 - Standard Density (SD) lens 5.2 mm 2 - High Density (HD) lens 8 mm 3 - Ultra High Density (UHD) lens 16 mm 7. 8. Focus Distance (work distance) Fixes Distances up to 300 mm 050, 064, 081, 102…
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Solution: Right click ESP desktop Icon and choose "properties". Under 'Compatibility', check the box to "Override high DPI scaling behavior". Also choose the drop down for "Scaling performed by:" System. See attached screen shots. Firmware Version 6.7.1 Operating System Any;Windows 10
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This will describe the process for a Product Modification Request and how it should be entered into SalesForce. kA23800000008E4CAI_en_US_1.pdf
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The attached document shows tables and current draws in various versions of the MicroHawk AutoID products. The current draw is measured, at 5VDC, with, outer, red illumination for the for modes low, medium, high and constant.The read cycle used is Presentation, the current values in the table are the highest value read from the indicator.The values for shutter and gain are the result of the automatic photometry.Conclusion: The average current draw seen after powerup is below 0.2A for both the ID-30 and ID-40. Operating System Any
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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Using an iPad to Control a MicroHAWK Hardware Needed: Wireless Access Module – TP_Link TL-WR702N 5VDC Power supply for module – Micro USB connection MicroHAWK ID-40 – 74XX-XXXX-XXXX MicroHAWK Ethernet Cable – 61-000160-03 or 61-000163-03 MicroHAWK power Supply – 97-000012-01 Connecting: Connect all the cables with the 5VDC power supply and Ethernet cable’s RJ45 end connecting to the TP_Link module.Open the iPad WiFi settings and look for TP-LINK_EF0930 network. Once connected the password is 1FEF0930.Open a web browser on the iPad and type in in the address bar.WebLink takes about 30 seconds to load. Once loaded you can control the MicroHAWK just like on a…
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The Service Message can be used to send a heartbeat or simulate a 'Keep Alive' message over an Ethernet interface. Enable Service Message: In The Parameters view, Select the Diagnostics tab and locate the Service Message Status setting. Double click the Status and select Enabled. Set the Time interval between messages by adjusting the Threshold and Resolution values. The Service Message can also be changed in this menu. In QX Products, Each port can have this message enabled or disabled by selecting the Communications tab, and the setting the Diagnostics Output to Enabled or Disabled under each port.
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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The right angle mirror attachment (p/n 98-000088-01) will reduce the read range by 1" (2.54 cm) from the published specification.
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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The scanner will sample a given number of decode attempts, then based on how many were successful, calculate the percentage that decodede. The sample rates are below. Laser scanners = 50 Imagers = 20 MS-880 / MS-890 = 100 MS-2 is a little different; there is no internal decode test. Instead, the scanner is put into continuous read, and the number of outputs is counted. The resulst are fairly unreliable, and can be changed by the number of characters in the code, and the baud rate.
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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The Trend Analysis option uses the Number of Triggers setting to define the window, and the Number to Output On as the number of events within the window. If the number of events is satisfied within the Number of Triggers window, then the output will fire. The window is defined by the first trigger since reset or power-on, and will reset to zero when the Number of Triggers expires. Example: Trend analysis = Noread Number to output on = 2, Number of Triggers = 3. From power-on, if triggers 1 and 2 are noread the output will fire. If Trigger 2 and 3 are Noread, the output will fire. If triggers 3 and 4 are Noreads, the output will NOT fire. However, if triggers 4 and 5 are …
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This document describes how to transition from an MS-860 to a QX-870, including an application conversion procedure, command comparisons/conversions, connectivity diagrams, and specification comparisons. kA23800000008IfCAI_en_US_1.pdf
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This document describes how to download firmware updates to the Rev 6 version of the MS-Q Quadrus Imager. kA23800000008ISCAY_en_US_1.pdf
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This document provides instructions in how to change the lens assembly of a QX Hawk Industrial Imager. kA23800000008IjCAI_en_US_1.pdf
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The attached .pdf document explains how to use the MS-890 with Ethernet connectivity, by using the MS-Connect 210's Ethernet module. kA23800000008FYCAY_en_US_1.pdf
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To start an application evaluation, complete the attached evaluation form. The Microscan Partner will then mail the form and samples to the Regional Sales Manager, who will continue the process.
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This document describes how to transition from the MS-820 to the QX-830. kA23800000008ItCAI_en_US_1.pdf
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Communications configuration is done over RS-232. To change network settings, refer to Chapter 3 of the 'Getting Started With Your Microscan UID Compliance Verifier' document:
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This will wipe out your saved settings. Disconnect power to the reader. Press the EZ button. Power-on the reader while pressing the EZ button. When the scanner beeps, let go of the EZ button.
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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This procedure only applies to the MS-Q Quadrus/Basic or the HE4xt series of hand held scanners. Please follow the procedures on the attached white paper. kA23800000008IzCAI_en_US_1.pdf
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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This document applies to the MS-Q and HE40/45T,. The instructions below explain how to set Continuous Read, and Motion Detect for hands-free operation. kA23800000008I4CAI_en_US_1.pdf
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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This document describes proper electrical grounding for QX products. kA23800000008ITCAY_en_US_1.pdf
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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The attached white paper discusses Microscan MS-3 / MS-4 grounding scenarios for large, medium and mild voltage discharge scenarios typically encountered in industrial settings, and provides best grounding practice to combat each scenario. kA23800000008G4CAI_en_US_1.pdf
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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Under certain conditions, if you wanted to use a single Ordered Output filter to identify and output a single symbol out of multiple symbols in the FOV, the MicroHAWK would only output the first symbol it decoded, even if that was not the symbol meeting the criteria set in the Ordered Output filter. For example, if a label had 4 unique Datamatrix symbols but you only wanted to output a single symbol with a unique attribute, you would enable a single Ordered Output filter with the unique criteria. The MicroHAWK would then check any symbols present in each of its captured images to see if they matched the filter until the symbol was found or it timed out. However, the beha…
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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WebLink does not support mobile Safari as per PM decision. Mostly, it's a matter of not enough screen real estate to function without having a specific layout just for phones and tablets. This may very well be addressed in the next version, and for the record, we fought hard to prioritize This for the first version. If you want to use it anyway, you can bypass the supported browser check and use ?force=1 at the end of the URL. (http://ip-addr/WebLink/?force=1). Just don't report any bugs against it.
Last reply by Omron Forums Support, -
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The time for a focus change on QX hawk is about 500ms. Decoding is paused during this change period to prevent misreads. When programming the read cycle and database timing, this 500ms delay should be considered.
Last reply by Omron Forums Support,